Joe is praying for Ukraine tonight

Joe is praying for Ukraine tonight

Attached: thoughtsandprayers.png (1029x260, 69.35K)

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Joe is asleep. This is some nigger staffer.

>Thoughts and prayers

i'm praying that God smites joe

Who doesn't want a loss of human suffering?

My prayers are for total Russian victory

>Russia declares war
>Senile US president pretends to pray and goes to sleep

Remember when campaign ads used to talk about "3 a.m. calls?" It's not even 11

Kek it's joever

Joe's twitter bots. Joe is snoozing

>Joe is
Lost somewhere on the second floor of the white house, wandering between two bathrooms pantsless

>Thoughts and prayers

Sleepy Joe is fast asleep. Also the world just feels like civ5 rn

I'm surprised not a single country in Europe or America is willing to help defend Ukraine. I mean who really cares about Ukraine, ut they are literally allowing Russia to encroach onto Europe and essentially take totally control of Central Europe. China and Russia now own the New silk road, its kind of bizarre that no one is talking about this. I hate biden, but honestly I am more disappointed in europes response.

I'm praying that a secret service member goes ham with a pillow over his face tonight

ukrainians will be fine, they are fully vaccinated

It's the perfect time for action from Russia and China, western allies are divided, weak and distracted. It's inevitable.

>Biden old
Jewtin is 73 and takes Botox like a woman. He also wants to kill whites. He’s a faggot and so is anyone who defends him

Im praying for russia
turn this world upside down if you can

quintessential american cope

Faithless prayers will not save the hoholswines.

Biden molests children

Prayers are with the paycheck that my son Hunter is owed.

Kamala is going to rally Americans to fight the white devils.


Stephen King sure called it.

Joe prays that he will still get the 10% of the Burisma deal.

>sending positive vibes.

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interesting numerals

Does this make sense to anyone? He's doing the prayers shit in response to Russia invading Ukraine. It's a deliberate hands off. It's WHITE GENOCIDE.
>15 Apr 2021
>The ONLY reason I can see for the US allowing Russia to invade Ukraine is because the ZOG Ukrainian government is either losing or growing more dependent on the local genuinely NatSoc community. Because of this, they would rather ZOG Russia seize it than let it become a strong independent NatSoc voice on the world stage after it inevitably takes power from the ZOG liberals currently running it. Liberal Ukraine doesn't worry Russia, but the NatSoc movements in it do.
It's a handover. Western ZOG is handing over Ukraine to Eastern ZOG because they can't handle it. They cannot tame NatSoc sentiments and groups in Ukraine so they're letting Russia take it over to exterminate the NatSocs. IT'S A FUCKING HAND OVER. Putin announces the primary goal is DENAZIFICATION of Ukraine.


I pray this faggot dies but not before pushing the little red button and taking out New York and Atlanta

>Thoughts and prayers bro

Literally going "not my problem"

That fuck's afraid they'll find records of his bribes.

its real

Attached: 1644728774520.gif (320x240, 274.18K)

Its all staged. This is just to distract from Moderna patents being discovered in covid

Praying to Moloch? Kek.

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stupid nigger faggot, those azov fags SERVE KIKES UKRAINE IS RUN BY KIKES! They are getting fucking slaughtered in Kharkiv.

>Joe is paying for Ukraine tonight

Alright that’s fucking it this old cunt is too dangerous too keep as President in a situation like this. It was pretty funny but this is now a MAJOR fucking problem.

Attached: thoughts-and-prayers-gun-control.gif (498x498, 627.9K)

>people actually think the President writes their own tweets let alone goes on twitter

Joe's pissed his kickbacks are over.

>WW3 starts
>"Thoughts and prayers. Ok bed time."

Christ, he really is going to go down as one of the absolute worst presidents ever. Not that he has any real power or anything but still.

>thoughts and prayers

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I love when abortion supporters try to put on the prayer hat, plus that is a staffer.
>ayy we shit on your religion and beliefs for 8 years now but now we need your unity

Good luck with that Cotton.
BTW I'm an atheist I'm just that disgusted with leftoid hypocrisy.

More like a catastrophic loss of children to sniff, you fucked up old loon.

The christ cucks version of the middle finger. It's the shit they always say to let you know they don't care.

The entire DC swamp is heavily invested in Ukraine and they are watching it all go up in flames.

Pic related is the kind of support Ukraine can expect to get from the Washington, DC regime, they can ask Georgians.

Attached: We-need-air-support-Air-force-You-can-do-it.jpg (843x843, 202.59K)

Sun-downers Biden must be a fucking treat to behold. I imagine they're having him overdose on prevagen to make him remotely cognizant

>Send thoughts and prayers
Based grandpa take.

I was just drafting a meme in my head earlier today on this. Hillary told everyone that she, as a long-serving pol and initiated member of the global elite, would be ready to take the dreaded 3 am call. Obama, as a jive-ass distributor of paper signs with like 10 minutes of political experience, would quail and panic.
Does anyone, anyone in the world, seriously think that Biden is answering any call at 3am except maybe a call to get to a bunker? By 4 am he might be awake anyway.

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who is praying anymore?

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Yo Ukraine is not even in Europe let alone part of it and you are complaining about the Russians encroaching when the US is spread across the entire region AND Europe like a bad fucking case of herpes just to fuck with Iran for the jewish masters. Why can't people just look in the God damn mirror and look before they try to throw a stone inside their cheap chinese made glass houses?

>more talking on fucking twitter while people die
>no war declared against russia

Do you really think he wrote this? Man can barely speak.

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>thoughts and prayers

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this nigger has never made a tweet in his life and probably doesnt know what twitter is so all these tweets by him should have a disclaimer attached to them stating such

>>Thoughts and prayers

the state of mutts

Joe Biden here. Actually I am fucking nigger whores and snorting coke off of sweet Jean`s ass. The message is just for the pussies. Live long and prosper patriots.

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