Will people rally behind him like bush

Will people rally behind him like bush

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I'm not sure

since he told the russians to go ahead and invade, why wouldn't the americans rally behind russia?


>literally got more votes than any president ever
you guys are delusional



Did we rally around Georgia when we lead them on into a war with Russia?

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Has there been a attack on US soil? No? Then he can fuck off.
>muh cyberwa-
I don't care.


not a chance

Weak men create hard times





Nah dog, nah

The greatest, most popular President in American history? Of course they will, fat.

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No, but any American should be praying to God he lives until Trump gets re-elected because we can't even begin to comprehend the hell that Kamala would bring upon us

know us we'd probably tow the line for the sake of "muh humanitarianism" and other disgustingly self righteous excuses

Would there be riots if draft happens?

He started this, so no.

With Bush it was seen as a strong man responding to an ebil terrorist attack and avenging the lives of Americans
with biden it's a complete failure of diplomacy to prevent a Russian advance

Yes only because orange man bad then the realize white nigger loving man just as bad if not worse

or it was faked according to Any Forums... I kinda doubt



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Him and his entire cabinet look like a little bitch. Putin didn't do this shit with trump in office. They did it with him in office cause he is an old weak faggot.

>it’s fake

Leftoids are, and it will be glorious seeing that the only people shilling him are the so-called resistance

No because Biden is a dove compared to everyone around him and both parties. He isn't gonna get involved thankfully.

it's over man

Putin didn't bomb the US, bud.

authoritarians have won, it's over, the west is officially dead

Nope. You cheated an election and created a shit world. Time for you to swallow the world you created.

no 70% of democrats say we should not send troops to ukraine and 80% of republicans say we should not send troops



Yes. Let’s go. President Joseph R. Biden. Traitors get the fucking rope

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Will the US actually wind up engaging with Russia?

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>Calling others delusional

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>the west is officially dead

Look fat

Lets go Brandon I agree

>I'm retarded.
>Inbreeding is in my family tree.

i used to be a naive antti war democrat. then i realize the world is a little more complicated and war is needed

biden you have my support. send in the truoops. even if this ends up with millions of lives lost. i don't care. take out putin


when will he start shilling reverse mortgages? im getting tired of tom selleck's as on my tv.

Actually you get nuke. Putin remembers you.


>>literally got more votes than any president ever
Only because they disliked the orange man more. That however does not mean that the senile man is actually popular himself.
Those two ultra-old babyboomers were just too despicable.

No they will abandon it just like Afghanistan then the same with Taiwan

I wish he would, end our misery.

The most popular president in American history will see just how popular he is if he tries to get involved past gay ass sanctioned

When people can’t afford electricity anymore

The motherfucker can't even be bothered to make a speech right now. He made one remark and is going to bed. No one is rallying behind him, and democrats can't fathom why.

Faggots like you are targets of opportunity, you're a dead man walking.

Literally nobody gives a shit about Ukraine. More people would shit on him because he didnt make trannies and niggers Supreme Court judges.

No, sanctions that's it.


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>didn't even bother to false flag\



Absolutely not.

Biden lifted the Sanctions

No. Fuck biden.

fuck no.

nobody likes biden Christ is King



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not a legitimate leader, him and kamala should both resign to try to avoid future prosecution

Liberals will but they're not fighters

Hahahahaha fuck no
A fucking pineapple would have a higher approval rating

This lifelong conservative already has.


>gas and food prices up the ass
>nation still basically under lock down when people are getting sick of that shit and even yuropoor countries are getting rid of them
>war with Russia, which will really drive those prices up, and also maybe get us fucking nuked
I'd say no, but liberals will still fucking defend him, say "he's good", "buy tesla", "inflation is not a problem" or "butt rump".

There is zero reason why anyone cares about Ukraine. They needed fucking 9/11 to get people behind Bush 2.0


waiting to vote in better leadership

fuck senpai we already there. i got my thermostat on 60 and it's 0 outside. i used to leave it on 70 and not GAF. bills too high now.

Go Russia Go!

They probably saw this coming and still put this senile fuck in office.

There's not enough room in his bunker, for us to rally behind him

always a meme flag



We are in the midst of the Longest... Saddest....Most Excruciating “I TOLD YOU SO” in the history of the world.
Fuck joe biden, fuck putin, fuck every biden voter.

No. He's a stooge traitor that was put in by criminals.

After stepping back like a little bitch?
Fuck no. Even hardcore dems will disown the fuck.
By the way, for everyone, expect riots in your local areas. Be prepared, be safe.

Fuck off. No. Putin never called me a domestic terrorist.

>digits and and he dies in his sleep tonight

Its no coincidence the timing of Ukraine and possibly Taiwan. The left and their faggotry have weakened the West. Its a sad fucking day. Maybe importing 10 million more illegals with their hands out to pick us dry will do the trick.

Fucking every faggot leftist in this country.

Hell no fuck him and fuck the tranided states of muttmerica


Only if he puts troops on the ground.

trump got the second most votes of any president ever

>literally has a penis like every guy ever
you guy, are delusional

Maybe if Russia starts murdering American civilians
Otherwise no

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Fuck no.

There would civil war and the US would balkanize, if we're lucky.

No. Because his military strategy is "sanctions" - sanctions they refuse to reveal the details of to anyone.



Mass non compliance, don't think there would be riots unless it disproportionately affects the nogs.

>Putin invades Crimea day after Winter Olympics
>Putin invades Ukraine day after Winter Olympics

Where will Putin invade next come 2030 Winter Olympics?

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Im rlying behind putin desu.


If he sends democrats to go die in Ukraine yeah I'll support him

Is this why he wanted fences in DC so recently? National guard there to protect him? Because he was going to let this happen?

Not one boot will touch Ukranian(aka Russian) soil. Period. End of. No American cares one iota about slav shit third world problems.


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Yes 80 millions votes trumptard!!! Riden with the Biden

I stand with Putin

Yes, I am a traitor.

Yes, I would defect to Russia.

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fuck this fake faggot. id rally behing literal bantu niggers before his shitdirty ass.

Who's going to fucking show up?

lmfao fuck no. Also, fuck Bush for the record.


Ask me how I know you're a zoomer.
Comedy Central and late night TV was anti-Bush propaganda for like 10 straight years. Half the country hated him.

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Whats to rally around? What military action are we going to take? The market is going to break. Putin and Russia timed this right after election fraud and understood the economic peril unfolding. Mean while we have trannies, women, and diversity hires larping as world leaders under the lead of a senile corrupt pedophile who was not elected.

Who do we have waiting in the wings a dick sucking indian whore larping as a black for political points.

Unbelievable. Well /pol dont let these assholes get you killed. Really thats all there us to it now. I feel bad for Ukraine.

No. Unless he makes a (((false flag)))




>No American cares one iota about slav shit third world problems.
Like you, American, are going to have a say in this...

I might...I speak Russian and am kind of bored but they'd probably reject me on medical grounds anyway

the West is a frothing pack of niggers. The sooner the mad dog is terminated the better and the faster whites can start rebuilding

dude is a day late an a dollar short. Putin walked into eastern Ukraine and saw there would be no resistance, why would he stop.

Yeah, sure.

Who want waffles?



>I am a traitor
You're also a bootlicking, subhuman white nigger

Women shave their pussies this day and age user.

They could pull some Sum of All Fears shit and people still wouldn't rally behind him.

There’s not going to be a war so probably not. This will be done within 48 hours



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have fun in ukraine.
I hear eastern europe is beautiful this time of year


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Trump was the only anti-war president in our lifetime



because americans aren't the ones being attacked and political polarization is at an all time high. americans don't give a shit about what's happening on the other side of the world. it's why the US has had to false flag every war after Korea and had to be drug into every world war kicking and screaming. this is all distraction so the oligarchs can keep their power and keep the public sidetracked/distracted. Putin wants his strongman act and geopolitical buffer. Biden wants his meddling in Ukraine erased and a war to distract a polarized populace and give his defense contractors more wasteful playtime.

why would they? the US isn't under attack

Fuck that piece of shit.
Get nuked DC kikes.

Americans are fucking retarded so he'll probably get a boost in the polls even though he caused this.

the canon of a T14 Armata is the last thing he's gonna see

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Jews can kvetch to high heaven every hour of every day, no American gives a shit. American media has been hyping up this shit for months and yet nobody talks about this shit. Ukraine is a fake nation. Germany is a fake nation. Both are propped up by internatinal Jews using American military power and money.

no. he created euromaidan, now we all reap what he sowed.


bit for Ukraine no