Remember COVID?

That shit was crazy
Amazing how fast it disappeared.

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Co..what? user are you drinking again?

it's a shame Canada is still stuck in 2020-2021 with covid restrictions and vaxxmaxxing

The OG version was the real shit i think that i was going to die, the variants are more tolerable omicron was just a long light flu

The fuck are you talking about? It didn't disappear. Do you have a room temperature IQ with no object permanence? If something isn't in the room beating you upside your malformed skull do you just assume it no longer exists.

Fucking liberals, man. So stupid.


whatever happened to Fauci? Is he still the Lord of Science?

Attached: Dr._Director.jpg (800x450, 67.61K)

It disappeared as soon as The Science said it was going to help the GOP wreck the Democrats in the midterms. Funny how things always seem to work that way, innit?

We will make sure noone ever forgets. Also, we are the side of peace, the side that always wins the optics war after this horse shit is over. Hunker down, stay unjabbed, stay based.

It already happened once. Remember when Covid took a breather for the Summer of Floyd?

Yeah media dropped it completely and I haven't seen it trending on twitter once for at least couple of months.
Now most people don't even remember it existed.

But what's alarming is that the vaccine pass laws didn't disappear. They're still being prepared in the background.
They got people used to the idea of papers please and next step is the global digital ID.
It'll be a really hellish decade.

Covid disappeared but for some weird reason we still need the vaxx pass and masks everywhere


I never heard of this covtrid.
Fear Putin now.

Haha not alberta. U deserve it anyway

Seeing as I lost my job over covid I will remember it for life.

ahhh an argentinian
how are you chabon?

Out of nowhere, on Friday the LA county mask mandates ends
But I still have to wear a mask on the bus because of the federal travel mandate
RIP Corona Chan
We'll always have the meme-ories.

COVID got drafted, he'll come back with the PTSD variant and go full Andrew Brannan whenever (((they))) want him to.

Time to bring back /cvg/? It was so fun in the early weeks

I'd say you must live in a different Alberta but I suppose it's my specific job that's demanding I leave. I want to go home to BC afterwards but they're even crazier about the purebloods. Perhaps I'll just fade out into the woods.

Nova Scotia dropping all restrictions and vaxxpass March 21st. Hopefully gets removed federally as well ASAP

Just in time for war time! Now get out there goyim and protect your country! :^)

Not a Trump fan, but let's revisit CNN:
'It's going to disappear':
A timeline of Trump's claims that Covid-19 will vanish

It’s far from over. Highest transmission rate with highest number of cases and deaths globally. Vaccinated transmit due to lack of IgA mucosal response that can only be created by an intranasal vaccine. Yes there’s been a drop in 20% last week, but that’s primarily from reduction in testing. With such a high transmission rate and number of infected it’s prime situation for mutations to occur. There’s no guarantee that it will become milder or burn itself out, all is in place for it to become worse. Wait a couple of months.. then let’s see.


Agreed. take meds!