College Libtards

I’ve just been excepted into college anons. What can I do to pass my liberal marxist professors classes? Do I have to pretend to be a libtard social justice warrior?

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Why would you even go to a liberal hive college in the current climate?


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Go to trade school user


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Look at the classes and liberal arts / social science requirements now so that as soon as enrollment opens up you can get a spot in something like "Psychology 101" and not be obliged to take "Underwater Trans Dilation"

fuck......its...i explicable

Affirmative action strikes again

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Look two blacks in a plane

The fact that a retard like you can get accepted into college much less even graduated high school is proof positive that college and public school is a joke. Enjoy your indoctrination you fucking mouth breather.

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>Do I have to pretend to be a libtard social justice warrior?
yes. for my gen ed classes whenever i wrote a right leaning essay i would get mediocre grades. when i half assed a left leaning essay i would still get good grades.

Time to show off your subtle redpilling techniques. I recommend Norm McDonald’s aww shucks approach.

If you want a serious answer OP, go read Adler's "How to Read a book" and then go through his reading list at the end. In addition to improving your spelling, it'll inoculate you from most of the libtard globohomo nonsense.

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You'll fit in fine.

>I’ve just been excepted into college
Yup, that's about how much worth I give a college education these days.

>I’ve just been excepted into college anons

Imagine fucking Sandy Cheeks in the ass and having her yell your name and cumming so hard cause you're fucking Ashley.

t. some dude named Leon

>What can I do to pass my liberal marxist professors classes? Do I have to pretend to be a libtard social justice warrior?
you cant hold on to your uneducated beliefs if you want to graduate. College is for educating you. its for turning you from a moron chud into a normal person.

If having liberal Marxist professors matters, then you picked the wrong major user.

Isn't it time to walk the dogs, Doreen?

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Imagine you're James Bond, chad super spy. Take your professors beliefs and re-iterate them. Spergy autistic people want to stand up for the beliefs they learned from 4 user posts and a youtube video, but what you actually want to do is get an A in you "easy" humanities classes to boost your GPA. Assuming you're doing a degree that has value (STEM, IT, etc.) you're going to need those classes for when (not if, WHEN) you fuck up.

Contrary to what boomers will tell you College is all about networking opportunities. Make friends, fuck and fuck up relationships with girls, get internships, and give yourself a leg up so you don't end up like the kids on the trades posts who post their "you don't need college" cope. A lot of it is absolute bullshit- again remember you goal is to get the connections and paper, not "own the libs" like some q boomer. That communist professor makes maybe 40k a year, is in some poly / queer / ENM relationship (prob not getting laid) and uses his beliefs to cope with how shit his life ended up- Just get the grades and if you want to go full nazi, do it after college.

>I’ve just been excepted into college anons.
>Do I have to pretend to be a libtard social justice warrior?
You've got the tard part covered, faggot OP.

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>excepted into college

I believe you

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