Depression and Talking About It

Hello, frens.

I've taken the redpill lately. I was formerly a Marxist-Leninist but not the fag shill nigger lovers you see today that try to compare themselves to Lenin. So taking the redpill was pretty easy for me. I started browsing this board a few months ago. I've slid into deep depression. Our masculinity is being stripped, the women use and abuse us and if we say anything out of the normal NPC language we are cast aside. How do we combat our depression in this shit situation? What kind of workouts do you do? And how about food? I've heard food really affects your mental state. Please give me some tips on how to combat this depression.

Inb4 kikes saying kys and posing as chads.

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why so serious?

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The pros and cons are you're now ostracized from society forever.

reminds me of a quote from joker.
>why do you take life so serious? No one makes it out alive.
Guess I just have trouble letting go.

I guess you're right. On one hand it is nice to not be apart of this kike shitfest. However, it truly is hard to sit in my studio apartment and do nothing but work sleep and eat.

>goes to Any Forums
>gets depressed
gee wonder what's causing your depression user

this. Top kek

>How do we combat our depression in this shit situation? Drugs and magic herbs
What kind of workouts do you do?
I ride my bike a few times a week
And how about food?
I eat eggs

you eat any fast foods? I feel like I can't get ahead. At this rate groceries are more expensive than eating out or they are the same place. Also I have very little cooking tools to use. So i am fucked.

I think of it this way, this god forsaken site made us all insanely skeptical of everything to the point where basically none of us took the vax. So it saved some lives in the end. Rather be blackpilled then dead.

I took the vax. I'm not fully on board with everything about the vax from here. However I am still learning about it so please just give me a pass on this one. I won't get the booster. And it's past my 6 month mark for the booster so according to them my vaccine is ineffective. But I will not take that shit again. Had covid already too. Was sick for a few days and then was fine. Not sure if the vax helped or if it really is just blown out of proportion.

I usually order food but you can order from restaurants here.
You can cook a shitload of stuff with just a frying pan, your body doesn't need a lot to function semi-optimally. You want milk, eggs, red meat and sardines, maybe some potatoes and throw in a few chopped veggies/spices for flavour.

>I started browsing this board a few months ago. I've slid into deep depression.

Any Forums will do that

thanks user. will go shopping with this list.

there is light at the end, right user?

it gets easier, just keep learning

>How to combat depression
first, try to cut out things that release illegitimate dopamine from your life. Porn and social medias especially. Depression IMHO is linked to having abnormal dopamine flow compared to what a normal and sane life can get you.
just start by doing series of push-ups, crunches, and pull ups everyday. When you get used to that routine, start looking for a gym in your area.
Its normal for your body to like fat and sweet food, but if you want to treat yourself its better not to eat junkfood and to buy good meat, bake your own cakes etc. Never order food for delivery anyway.

Also you need to set your mind on something that's CONCRETE. Not "being better", not "finding a gurl", you must focus on a goal and make everything you can in order to achieve that goal. WAGMI, fuck the kikes.

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do you play any vidya? need something to take shit off the mind.

Consider yourself lucky if you can cry, because once you that brief sense of relief’s gone, it’s over.

Cut porn as of last night. Gonna be rough. Haven't used any social media since high school. I am effectively dark. I did start working out last night. Thanks user

Stopped crying a few months ago.

How does it feel to look over the edge and never have a taste of the sweet embrace?

sure, but it's not easy.

For food just stick with the Mediterranean diet.
- pasta (with different sauces) as the first course
- meat/eggs/vegetables as the second course
It’s healthy and gives you everything your body needs. Anyway look it up un google there are a bunch of nice recipes, you’ll also learn to cook and get a culinary culture.
Don’t waste your time btw, that’s the only thing money can’t buy. Stop crying and move ya ass, there’s no place for weak people in this world, life ain’t an Hollywood rom-com. Think less and act more.