Nintendo saves zoomers from dying for Israel

Nintendo has made zoomers too weak to fight in the military.

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Why would Zoomers enlist anyways? To "give back" to their country? Social Security won't exist by the time they retire, but they're forced to pay into it.


>government blames nintendo after their actions last few years
sometimes clown world has some legitimately solid punch lines



>Be fit zoom zoom
Fuck fuck fuck

>spend decades doing everything possible to weaken Men
>wtf why did nintendo do this to us

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>Get down and give me 20, you fucking maggot!
Bruh no cap dat ain't vibin fr no cap bruh

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>spend the last 30 years filling the country with poison
>shocked when you end up with a bunch of useless zombie people

Don't drink milk, white man. Drink your corn syrup.

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>showering together? That sounds sussy bruh

I would like to see the T levels of Zoomers

>Make a country off the basis that people should be free
>Said people become weak because they are not forced to do anything
>act surprised when your country becomes weak as a result


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free sex change operations and a chance for a top spot in the faggot dogpile regime

higher than yours boomer

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lmao you gonna get drafted into zogbot brigade kid

Yikes lol

Show me your war face

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arguably, the small genitals of male zoomers don't even run on testosterone

i thought gamers were the future of soldiers. look at those comfy chairs. you have any idea the years of conditioning it takes to master sitting on your ass?

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>why did nintendo do this to us
post nigger on the message board and i'll tell you.

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Yeah, it was nintendo and not snoybeans and atrazine, OK.

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Too much sugary cereal.

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You can’t stop the Nintendo switch. It’s power is too great.

Based Japan.

millenials were the nintendo generation. what pathetic propaganda

That’s rich considering that most Zoomies grew up with the Nintendo Wii