Lefty here

Lefty here.
Why do authoritarian communists always take control of left wing movements? I want socialism (or social democracy as a compromise) but I still want human rights and democracy. Fuck tankies. Even neoliberals have redeemable qualities.

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go to the front lines

> human rights
Fuck off with that.

Don't care niggerlover.

You would suffer in a world with no human rights. Human rights let the light shine in humanity.


You are a tool of them, always have been, read the protocols of zion to learn exactly how they use you every time

Why are you laughing about it?

>> human rights
Ah yes, russkie has spoken.
Show us the superior russian way in which plebs is being treated like dirt and still kissing the stomping boot.

>why do authoritarians always take control
hmm... I wonder why... maybe because they are not milquetoast hippies

Because you by default hate democracy and flirt with extreme forms of authoritarianism. Marx himself stated socialism is inherently authoritarian.
No more elaboration required, suck on my social liberal cock and call me daddy social reactionary. I may even pay you.

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>I want socialism
i'm sure you do faggot

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>You are a tool of them
I submit to none.
Fuck off with your “itz da joos”

Unironically bad education. What you want requires a basic appreciation of liberal values. If people aren't being taught liberal values, you get dictatorial shitheads (commies, woke, technocrats, etc) rising through the ranks eventually.

You are dumb as fuck
Socialism is the eastern block of Zionism
I bet you haven’t even read Moses hess

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>Lets just like be nice to each other and get along, man.
>What's that? You say you want more power?
>Well alright everyone let's be nice to them and step aside to give them more power.
>Surely their complaints are justified and their intentions are sincere. It would be rude to not take them at their word
>Why would they abuse the authority we're granting them? That would spoil things for other people, therefore no one would ever do it.
>Oh no, we gave privilege and power to anyone who claimed they deserved it, and now power hungry sociopaths are in charge!
>Why does this keep happening?

>Even neoliberals have redeemable qualities

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You fucking dumbass I explicitly stated that I fucking want democracy.

you're the wedge, and a useful idiot, that's why

jews or not, this is what you fight for.

you are a traitor, how does that feel?

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>he thinks liberal values and socialism are mutually exclusive

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Because they're not as big of pussies like the rest of you. You get coopted because of your weak ideals.

>I fucking want democracy.
this is a republic
start packing

Did I say that?

>Even neoliberals have redeemable qualities.

because your retarded ideology goes against natural law (for Humans: self awareness -> self ownership -> material ownership -> voluntary cooperation with those behaving as Humans, and thus not trampling over said natural rights), which always spectacularly fail
which thus needs coercion to try and keep running
which is vain, since it can only fail, again, because it goes against nature
stop being a retard, and embrace natural laws: better late than never

I fight for progress for humanity, not billionaires and international bankers.
Humanity will ascend.

>muh communism
fuck of globalist

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You implied it.
