About fucking time!

The Tranny Harvest is upon us!!

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This makes too much sense. I have a feeling it will be overturned. They always promise these things, then back out at the last minute.

Can you give an actual documentation of the Texas governor doing this other than some twatter bitch saying this?

Thank God so now you guys can stop talking about it...right? No you will keep going anyways!!??

>He's taking our right to ruin children! FASCIST!
Same shit different day.

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Bump cuz i hate trannies

Thanks leaf user.


I thought conservatives wanted smaller government? Why does the government get to have a say in this?

inarguably, indebatably, indubitably, incontrovertibly BASED and, not least of all, REDPILLED

>14 year olds can't be trusted to smoke
>or to drink
>or to get tattoos
>or to consent to sexual activity
>b-b-b-ut they can totally consent to mutilation, sterilization, and permanently mangling their mental and physical development, if they really really wanna!!!

this is what you sound like, tranny defenders. want to help these kids? don't tell them the voices in their head are totally real, get them ACTUAL HELP with sorting out their hangups

Bump. God Bless Texas! Honk Honk!

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Are there actually some sane people left in America?

Inb4 shill cope about how Abbott is a zionist or some shit. We all know what you are, trannies.


He's up for reelection or it's their mid terms or whatever. He didn't do anything when that man had his boy taken away and forced to transition last year

Shut the fuck up Trudeau

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>This makes too much sense. I have a feeling it will be overturned. They always promise these things, then back out at the last minute.
It's weird in your post you pointed out the democrats are the ones who fuck things up, then reverted to blaming the red team. I know the red team is pretty boomer and limpdick most of the time, but giving them credit when they fight back is necessary.

Will people continue to sexually abuse children? Then yeah we're gonna talk about it

death penalty please
im a closet tranny and i think no kid should ever be on hrt
i dont even wanna be on hrt
the drugs probably caused all the tranny shit anyways how could they fix it

Maybe there is a god after all. Bless him

Real conservatives do want small government. These are fascists.

God bless Texas

Only place I'd leave Sweden for is Texas. Absolutely fucking based.

What's your faggot malfunction?