Texas to start prosecuting retard parents who try to turn their kids into troons, apparently

Texas to start prosecuting retard parents who try to turn their kids into troons, apparently

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T. tranny

More like some guy is running for governor and he knows you guys eat up fake shit like this like crack cocaine


nothing upsets me more than parents coercing their kids into thinking about their sexuality at such an early age.
they validate their underdeveloped minds into thinking their sons a girl.
dress him up and let him be fine with taking bbcs and antidepressants so he doesnt kill himself because he cant pinpoint whats wrong.
its the fucking dumbshit progressive parents.

It's a good point, to be honest, why not prosecute the fucking doctors? They know where they work.

Long overdue.

>T. tranny
you are delusional, mentally ill, and need help.

Leftist parents should be beaten with roofing hammers.

More legal backing if I were to guess.

Don Huffines has really pushed Abbott to the right....

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and the principals and guidance counselors

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>guy suggesting for more laws quoting actual existing laws against trannism

You know the drill, you will never be a woman or vaccinated. Trans rights don't exist because trans people don't exist.

Texas CPS is filled with libtards like every other CPS. They will just engage in quiet insubordination by not doing it.

Abbot is a master of empty gestures and fascimiles thereof.

What? Surely this can't be right. Surely there can't be kids/babies whose parents force them to have their genitals mutilated? I can't imagine that happens too much in many places in the world...

this dude had already ruined his life when he went troon and it was still cruel and manipulative to feed his delusions

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bottom surgery, hormones
>adults only
>two years of mandatory clinical, audited therapy before bottom surgery
>self-mutilators, especially if your son is kindergarten age and shows up in a dress, municipal child care inspectors will knock on your door to check if that is your son's volition or your madness
Gender disphoria in Austria. Not just good ideas, it's the LAW.

**Yawn** meanwhile he also dragged you on for months convincing you he was going to overturn the election at the supreme court

Just admit you're retarded

I know. An i hurting you or something? Just leave me alone, faggot

based texas? i thought niggers over yonder were dumb as a sack of manure