He's right, you know

He's right, you know.

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We have had a left-wing party, we just made it illegal to be a member of it:

PS something something "land of the free" and "conservatives are the REAL side of free speech!"

This is true. Unfortunately in the next post he'll conflate "leftism" with pro-immigration policy and other faggotry.

He is unironically right lol

good, suck a fart commie faggot

>open borders
>gay acceptance
>transvestite acceptance
America has been left wing for decades. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a moron.

I bet after saying this you unironically post in threads about some conservative getting twitter banned cuz he said "fuck niggers" and say "waahhhhhh why is the LEFT against free speech!" despite twitter being a literal corporation, but whatever


Crazy how all conservatives see is social issues and remain completely blind to anything and everything that actually matters in this country, and actually moves the country and anything that is actually important to the people in power.

The Soviet Union China and Cuba and all right-wing governments

Real socialism has not been tried you know that real socialism which is not marxism or anything but exists inside my own head

>He's right, you know.

No, he's wrong.

Franklin Roosevelt got Social Security and Unemployment Insurance made into law. A lot of other social programs too.

>migrants flooding into the country without consequence isn’t an actual problem
>beating the deaf horse of Marxist revolution is!
Flooding the working class with people who will work for pennies on the dollar is an actual issue you left leaning parasite.

All spaces run by leftists have insane levels of censorship, not just woke corpos.

The fact that you say "not just woke corpos" implying that in your idiotic worldview a literal corporation is in any way "left-wing" just speaks volumes to how hopeless everyone on this site is

There's not a single economist on the planet who agrees with your retarded assertion that immigration depresses wages.
INB4 "ITS BASIC ECONOMICS" from the person who never went to college and never took an economics class and is just blindly repeating what the Swanson Foods heir on Fox News tells him every night

real freedom is genociding anyone who says water belongs to the goverment

corporations are quite literally left-wing.

left = technocrat
right = natural

If only there was a way to allow right-wingers to have their social issues (which totally don't matter) while getting victories on progressive fiscal issues.


Then why do we have universal education? Welfare, and wealth distribution?

If immigration doesn't keep wages down, then why did wages increase because of the worker shortage?

>There's not a single economist on the planet who agrees with your retarded assertion that immigration depresses wages.
Could it be because those people are lying?

far-left has idea of taking private water.

The nazis were capitalists. They hated socialists. After they were in power they renegged on all of their left-wing promises and literally murdered the few remaining party members who had unironically bought the "socialism" line (Strasserists) on the night of the long knives.

Learn history, you dumb redneck nazi piece of inbred shit.

you mean they just get the gov. out of your way so you can build a biz and make something of yourself instead of heeping regulations and taxes to the point you can't start shit?

What the ever living fuck are you talking about, moron

Woke corpos and leftists both support woke idpol. That's why you cheer when corpos censor the right leaning blue collar working class
>implying that in your idiotic worldview a literal corporation is in any way "left-wing"
I didn't say they were left wing, you're just having an argument with a strawman. Liberal views on idpol does coincide with leftist views though so maybe that's why you're confused.

Also, what if we let right-wingers win this one (a social issue that doesn't matter) in exchange for their support of our economic policy?

> liberals
Nah, not them. They had some valid points, the were wrong too. But ze ideology of NWO (that really differs), caused all of that.

>Progressives started calling themselves Liberals once Progressive because a dirty word
>Classical Liberal was never newspeak Liberal
>(((oh will you look at this, Liberalism is actually right wing, so there's never been a left wing party in the usa)))
this is typical jewspeak talking out both sides of the mouth and lying out of both of them

left vs. right is a jewish trick. i'm not going to start screeching that you're a kike with no proof, but you are certainly parroting kike tactics when you dismiss posters who are critical of the (((capitalist))) world order

OP hasn't said anything communist, he has only pointed out, correctly, that liberals are part of the establishment's approved (read: useless & neutered) ideologies, just like conservatives.

National Socialists will tell you without hesitation that liberalism/conservatism are pozzed ideologies that are pushed into the mainstream by (((media))) because they offer no meaningful resistance to (in fact they offer compliance with) the global cabal of kikery

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>major corporations import cheap labor
>no that’s not an issue I bet u didn’t go to college
I can guarantee I've spent more time in higher education than you if you really want to get into that dick measuring contest. Go slither back to whatever liberal arts department at Fallback U you came from

Crazy have left wings refuse to see the left wing acceptance yet are still blind enough to call everything right wing.

You people have no education and literally don't even know what "left" means. You think "left" is anyone Fox News decides to bitch about on a given day. Nor do you understand how a fucking business works, much less a publicly traded one, since you seem to think they're pushing political agendas rather than just focused on maximizing profits

>Crazy how all globohomo pozzed conservatives see is social issues and remain completely blind to anything and everything that actually matters in this country

>in exchange
that's not how this works

I'm not a Nazi, the Nazis were capitalists. I'm a fiscal progressive social conservative. Seeing as the Nazis were freemarket capitalists who invented privatization, my views are completely different from theirs.

exact same for "left-wingers" in america who think communism = black trans lives matter. there's no left in america. it died and hasnt come back

Reminder that there's a subtle but very important difference between the words Legal and Lawful. Social Security was NEVER "lawful"

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midwit take

>no see it's not left wing because

IDGAF about your special snowflake ideology; what matters is your actions. The left has never acted out against neoliberalism; they are content with being led by the nose in a color revolution against the true working class revolution. Because all leftists are sloganeers who chomp at the opportunity to hate the people they're allowed to hate.

>umm ackshually globalhomo is good for leftists because
>if you disagree with me you are inbred redneck

Like clockwork. Literally everything that comes out of your mouth is anti-nationalist (and by proxy anti-white) hatred for the behest of your masters. Aesthetic LARPing

>ummmm ever heard of healthcare????
>you all don't care about the REAL issues ugh
>that's why we need to genocide you fucking white inbred retards

Stop posting any time.

Fair enough. Carry on bro. At least you realize that much. Not that I'm much of a social conservative myself, more like just socially agnostic about things, but at least you're dumb enough to be either one of the unironic nazis or one of the unironic "free market" idiots on this board and I can at least commend you for that

I don't even care about lefties peddling this gay garbage about how "n-no, the parties peddling trans children and wanting to force anti-white education in schools isn't 'left-wing', no!" SHIT anymore. American politics just doesn't feel as existential now that our military's been shamed by the Russians.

>controlled legal immigration via established process
>uncontrolled illegal immigration with open borders
We all know why (((someone))) left out certain key bits of context

They're gonna start calling liberals fascists. Can't wait for more marxists to shoot DEMs. Full weimar baby. LETS GOOOOOO

This smug elitism and thinking you're smarter than everyone is so typical of leftists. It's pretty tiresome.

You're still having an argument with a strawman btw. Maybe address what I actually said like a respectable adult.

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Left wing is open borders
Left wing is gay acceptance
Left wing is tranny acceptance
Left wing is endless welfare
Left wing is pensions, unions, etc etc

You haven't even proven 1 instance how America is right wing. You just strawman FOX like a fucking retard.

here's how you can tell this fucking absolute brainlet moron went to a university and sucked his leftist professor's dick.

So what am I then? If I'm not a Nazi, what can I call myself that won't trigger your Holocaust Class PTSD?

user. Democratic socialists are fascist. It's almost time

During theWeimar Republicperiod, the KPD usually polled between 10 and 15 percent of the vote and was represented in the nationalReichstagand in state parliaments. Under the leadership ofErnst Thälmannfrom 1925 the party became thoroughly Stalinist and loyal to the leadership of theSoviet Union, and from 1928 it was largely controlled and funded by theCominternin Moscow. Under Thälmann's leadership the party directed most of its attacks against theSocial Democratic Party of Germany, which it regarded as its main adversary and referred to as "social fascists"; the KPD considered all other parties in the Weimar Republic to be "fascists".[10]

Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh there never has been much of a left in America. As I posted above they literally made it illegal to join the communist party and that law is still on the books today. But a lot of what we think of as "the left" in the USA is totally strawmanned. If you watch Fox News or just read Any Forums you'll get a totally different idea of what the left is and believes than reality. You'll likely get a screwed up idea of the left is you just read transsexual furry twitter accounts or reddit boards, too


Stop it, white man.

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>Real Leftism has never been tried

you belong in a shallow mass grave

>you seem to think they're pushing political agendas rather than just focused on maximizing profits
one would have to be a monstrous faggot with a 7 inch gaping asshole to not notice that tyrannical corporations absolutely push political agendas

Good god, what a horrible world it would be with welfare, pensions and unions. Not like we didn't have all of those things prior to Ronald Reagan and everyone was way better for them

>talks about strawman
>goes directly into talking about FOX
Like fucking clockwork

America isn't FOX you fucking moron.

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Ok bro, what's special brand of leftism that isn't gay and retarded? Maupin, is that you?

>Liberalism is right wing because so-called liberals have acted illiberally, which is something that I, as a left winger, am opposed to
I actually agree that capitalism and liberalism are inextricably connected but this tweet is complete nonsense.

workers of the world, unite
don't write of what you don't know
except faggotry
you seem well versed in it

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Trudeau's a neoliberal.

> a lollipop for being gangraped by Niggers

I don't know who your experts are I suspect they are International think tanks like the world economic forum

Market forces versus human capital
It's not a theory it's a proven law of economics which can be explained to you by Freidman, Sowell, Sked, Stiglitz, Price
MSc Economics

>Democratic socialists are fascist.
finally someone that can read and understand!

Look, you can pretend there are two political parties if you want to, but that is delusional. Look where the fuck we are. They work together against us. THEY don’t care about sides. That’s for plebs to fight each other about.

But he lies about the enormous black crime problem and covers up Jewish ownership of all central banks, media, education, courts, etc. He's not leftist either. He only poses as a "rights for common people," leftist until someone names his Jewish masters. It would be like a bunch of slaves trying to escape the plantation but their supposed leader keeps covering for the master and saying how they need to kill any slave who notices.

>Good god, what a horrible world it would be with welfare, pensions and unions.
To the point where it's gotten out of hand an unmanageable amount where illegal aliens are collecting more of your tax money in welfare than actual unemployed American citizens of your country, yes.

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>Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh there never has been much of a left in America.
that's because we made the laws as such so that retarded collectivist ideas are actually odious to the spirit of the country

and a bastard child, but that that doesn't change the fact that leftism is internationalist
go pick a book

The left today is obsessed with woke idpol. There isn't a single leftist organization in America, nevermind anywhere in the western world, that doesn't support divisive race and gender politics.

Keep obsessing about Fox News though. Are you projecting your own hyper biased media consumption on others?

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Yes, that is why the US is the richest most technologically advanced nation on the planet. Now that lefties are seizing more and more power it is stagnating

Holy fuck it's this same retard from the earlier thread where he got btfo and ragequit. Kek

Squashed or quashed?

Who gives a shit. Bother party's are as because both parties remove God from the equation either overtly or by contradicting the Living Word

Not sure you you understand what I was writing. Fascist is just a buzzword for communists. Like racist

seething tranny cant stop replying to this thread

McCarthy was fucking right and you niggers can't convince me otherwise.

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What the fuck are you talking about? The country is run by multinational private corporations. This is capitalism. There's no special kind of freemarket capitalism that won't look like this. The answer is to use the power of the state to make the corporations do what we want. If you keep whining about muh communism, you won't get anywhere.
Since 1945, we've seen Communists fighting with neoliberals and neoliberals have won everywhere but North Korea.
Funnily enough, North Korea has neither immigration nor trannies. It's almost like that's a symptom of capitalism.

Of course he was right

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liberalism, aka the openly degenerate side of capitalism, is not a left wing ideology at all. They oppose nationalizing key sectors of the economy, e.g. the democrats have spent billions on candidates to defeat "medicare for all", and liberals also never met a foreign war or defense spending bill that they didn't like

American liberals are right wing, full stop. They push degenerate faggot tranny shit so that the closeted degenerates in the conservative movement will vote against them, and vote FOR the other half of the duopoly.

Republicans and Democrats are complicit, and work in concert to advance the interest of the banking/financier class, and to support zionism.

The left is anti-capitalist, liberals are not. There is no sense in conflating these two ideologies. If you can't even correctly identify the people you purport to oppose, you have no chance of defeating them. You guys don't even know what "the left" means, you think the capitalist faggots in mainstream US politics are part of the left, and you could not be more wrong if you tried.

I'm not a leftist, but I respect the left way more than I do faggot liberals/conservatives who are both just cucked by kikes & pawns for globoshlomo

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>Social Security
tax the poor to pay for ponzi scheme for the rich. 65 year retirement age when average work death was 50. w0w so progressive and pro woker.

The modern left has give so full retard that they consider anything right of their current beliefs are center right at best. Things that were considered left viewpoints even a decade are now far right.
Remember Any Forums was called a radical leftist site at one point in time.

>Fascist is just a buzzword for communists.
These can be grouped under totalitarian

In Japan, the JCP straight up wants to abolish Japanese identity. This keeps the LDPJ in power with no real opposition so they don't actually have to do anything.


Anyone have the collage of sheltered commie retards fantasizing about what useless jobs they're going to do in their communist "utopia"?

typical no true scottman from the left, no wonder they have gorillion of internal division, also soviet union did all the shit they list and much more

user you forgot to reply to this post: Not implying anything, just trying to help you out not to miss such a simple counter-argument to your idea that increasing available labor doesn't depress wages.

> Imperialism
Hadn't added a territory in 60+ years. Fucking retards