Women and social media addiction

I am so depressed bros, I talk to many women from good families, good careers, not degenerate pieces of shit but EVERY ONE OF THEM is utterly addicted to tiktok/instagram. All of them. They send me constant links and then think it's weird and boring when I say I don't like tiktok and think social media is bad. They all sit on their phones all the time even during meals they check them. I HATE social media, it is a non-negotiable for me in the way smoking is a non-negotiable for a lot of normies. I am rapidly giving up all hope. It is easy enough to find a girl who isn't a whore or a drug user, but I have been on dozens of dates now and I have not met a single girl without social media who isn't an ugly freak.
FUCK Instagram and FUCK Tiktok.
And yes I am remaking this thread because it's fucked I get archived while half the active threads here are pure dogshit.

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For example, I was talking to a 28 year old girl who works in engineering, smart, not a whore. She moves into a new flat and instead of just sending a photo of it or even a selfie of her in it, she sends this short video of her doing weird dance moves, gurning, tilting her head etc and hopping around.
As someone who doesn't use social media, it was incredibly jarring. I had to close the video, I felt so embarrassed. And this is normal now? Grown adults doing fucking fortnite dances?

I told a girl in the breakroom to stop showing me TikTok videos. I'd never seen someone so offended.

yes they act like it is normal and not the hobby of a 7 year old kid. Grown women glued to their chink spyware apps 5 hours every day. I am done with dating

Society is embarrassing. That’s why I have mostly chosen to opt out. Put your foot down and just say no.

Yep my current girlfriend is ruining her own life by spending 12 hours a day on her phone and being a rude stoner bitch

I have watched her mental health and looks decline over the last 6 years

I am preparing to bail because she is worth less than when she was 19 and refuses to get pregnant

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and you're addicted to the fag board started by some twink weeaboo to share gay hentai with his boyfriends?

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And you spend 10 hrs a day on Any Forums. Kys

Lol tell her if she doesn’t change, you’ll be forced to drop her for a newer better looking 19 year old girlfriend that wants kids.

Tell that to her face and rub it in.

We have adult conversations here on the board. It’s one of the only places left on earth that you can do this.

Therefore you are retarded.

I did the whole 'fuck this, I opt out, no social media' thing a year ago and whilst my life is certainly less stressful I can't pretend I am completely happy. I have tried dating, I figured now I am late 20s women would be mature but they are all like and it makes me feel so fucking lonely and autistic, like I am the broken one, even though I know I am not and they are retarded
That is genuinely sad, I would dump her but I have been in similar situation and I know it's not that simple
found the flossing zoomer faggots who got their feelings hurt

“Oh no, user! Looks like you raped me five years ago!”

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Nothing gets through to them
They are addicted to their phones and way of life

If I leave she will basically be up shits creek, doesn't even have the brain power to comprehend a life where I don't provide

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you cannot compare Any Forums to social media. I use this place as a forum for everything from technical hobbies (DIY helped me build my summer house and hydroponic garden) to shitposting and cooming. I have learned a huge amount over the years from this place. Nobody knows who I am, there is no element of narcissism or cliques forming like on reddit with karma and profiles. If you seriously think spending your time here is as bad as being glued to TikTok you are part of the problem.

See this society is not fixable if women can just claim rape every single time you upset them.

I crave war.

Last paragraph in pic related, user

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based thread

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no socials here since 2010

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over half the threads on the board are about tranny vaginas or BBC. this place is degenerate as fuck and you're just in denial like some oblivious faggot getting fucked in the ass with an AIDS cock (aka pol)

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Florence Nightingale was blackpilled, probably dog-pilled as well

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back to Any Forums fag

Lots of incel energy in this thread and I'm 33 and haven't dated in years but I do think there are some good women out there. I would check out churches and police officer's daughter's. They seem to be pretty racist, conservative, etc. There are lots of women who are weirdly addicted to social media though and i don't know how we fix them. I kind of want to just start taking their phones. I pray to god I don't have a daughter. I would just tell them listen that shit is bad for you and rotting you're brain I think you are addicted to the likes and that means that you have low self esteem and I'm not interested in dating someone with low self esteem and move on. This is a chad move and they will respect it since why would you date anyone who doesn't respect themselves?

how many of your old friends still bother to reach out to you? For me that was the part that stung the most, realising I had about 5 friends and not the 50 or so that social media gave me the illusion of having.
The moment you don't have facebook, a lot of people just stop bothering to go out of their way to invite you to shit. I feel like it's a good thing overall, like ripping off the bandaid but still hurt.

my ex gf refused to use an old school mobile phone or the internet until web 2.0 and smart phones came in
you couldnt phone or text her as she would never carry her old phone with her. was 100% uncontactable to everyone
then the stupid cunt wouldnt stfu about social media. and became addicted to it all. fuck her
women are fucking infantiles

Then Florence must have been a based and red pilled woman… therefore they do exist, but they are like .0000001% of the female population.

So finding one is statistically not possible.

I have a group chat with 2 of my friend groups. I still have probably 20 friends that I can call up or text and see whats going on and about 10 or so I hang out with regularly. We just text and go golfing or shooting or hunting or out to dinner every so often. It's very easy to not do anything and not stay connected but deleting social media makes people feel lonely at first but its a good lonely and then you realize you need that in person relationships with people which actually brings you stronger. Super depressing to see someone and be like "this is my kid, he's 3 now" and they're like "I know I saw all the milestones on facebook" Like what the fuck is the point of meeting up with you then

enjoy your slide thread, keep jerking yourself off to "adult conversations"

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It taps directly into women's primal evolutionary-based need for constant attention and validation

this image accurately sums up women and more importantly, why social media has been so toxic for them (it's given them everything that image suggests they seek and decent men are no longer enough to quench their growing egos)

shut up worthless slag.
go stick your face into the pig trough, for it is feeding time.

I deleted Facebook years ago and unfortunately found that I really only have about 5 or 6 actual friends besides family.

It puts things into perspective and is a much more realistic outlook on life. I mean it’s facing reality as it is.

Based and Tom-friend pilled

cool story bro

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post the vid
it sounds cute. appreciate a woman literally jumping around for you retard.

You will never be a woman. You are not the center of the world and I’m not going to like or subscribe to your videos.

men have always been this way. i run into old friends like every 2-4 years without a single phone call or anything. then its like you didnt see them just yesterday. nobody complains about it, you just pick up the conversation and have fun. males have always been this way
females will disown you if you dont keep in personal contact with them constantly. theyre clingy & catty as fuck about "keeping in touch" and will bitch about you if you dont. fuck them

And she grew up in another kind of society, not the over socialized dystopian hellscape we have now. I do think there are women who woke up to realize their condition, but it's like looking for a Buddha, and most likely they woke up too late.

Even if there is a 1% chance I get doxxed it isn't worth it. She was just doing some dumb tiktok dance, idk how to describe it, but what made it particularly annoying was her facial expressions.
that is the closest I can find, particular with regards to the dumb facial expressions

Was she doing it for him or did she post the video for the entire world to see?

That makes a huge difference.

why do you have some suicidal faggots picture saved on your computer?

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Let me tell you a story, OP.
A friend of mine who's about 36 going on 37 had got married to a zoomer girl, real cute. She started off with the same problems as the girls you described. She wasn't religious but he convinced her to go to church, led by strong example and showed her there was more to life than all the bullshit society pushes. To this day they're still happily married and she's almost unrecognizable now.

It's a lot easier to glue a horn to a pale horse than it is to catch a unicorn

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>appreciate a woman literally jumping around for you retard.
no she looked like a dumb child, it's pathetic.

The only friends I stayed connected with were the ones I actually hung out with.
Amazing to see how many of my old fakebook "friends" are now just unhinged lefties posting garbage all day.
Social media amplified their worst tendencies and boosted them with confirmation bias inside an echo chamber.

But that's what women are, user. Dumb children. Realize their nature and you won't get too mad at them anymore. Like you wouldn't get mad at a dog acting like one.

youve been doxxed already mate
but on topic, just accept that she's a woman and stupider than you, stop expecting her to hold your bag like she's your mother. and be appreciative of a woman literally dancing for you instead of getting sucked into the Any Forums hate spiral. this is what they are. they are mental children, it's normal. you're supposed to feel and be superior to her. it makes them attracted to you even more.

isn't birmingham the fag capital of the UK?

>she is unrecognizable now

Does this mean she got fat?

Social media is really the downfall civilization it inflated women and men's egos and expectations and created more hate and discrimination. I was bullied irl so I realized in the early days as social media (the likes of kikebook) was taking off that it wouldn't benefit me and it would be cancer and of course now I am alone but I rather be alone than having fake ass friends trying to get likes to feed their ego.

and I hate retarded frogposters spamming the website with their faggot reddit meme, deal with it

maybe I am the problem then. Honestly, maybe that's it. I don't want a 'child' to mold into something and think of as a pet dog that worships me. I want a woman who can stand on their own two feet, take care of kids and run a household, put me in check when I am acting out. Not some dumb gawping girl who hops around and giggles.

>tiktok is popularized by teens
>now grown women are drawn to it like flies to shit
what does this tell you about females?
women are genetically wired infantiles so they can raise children
there's no such thing as a rational, critical or logical professional working woman unless they're hookers.
most female engineers are in a job because of mandated equal opportunity
i used to work for one of the largest engineering firm in the world. in my city office we had maybe 500 engineers and just 4 females. the other 40 or so fems were all admin. that was just 15years ago. today its like 45% female engineers.
its not based on merit. its fucking govt laws that force it on companies. like employing minorities and niggers. fuck the system.

I don't live in birmingham retards I google imaged 'nhs tik tok nurse' and found a random link that worked. If I lived in Birmingham I'd have bigger issues than hating women.

You fell for the "women are equal" psyop

where do you live user?

personality wise, that is
she's still a qt

south east England. I want to emigrate but I am unvaccinated so that's been fucked up for a while now as well. anyway that is topic for another thread

the traditional job of women is to look after their children and entire families social standing. that is now done on instagram, but instead of being beneficial it is toxic. a normal woman will not socially withdraw because it's the equivalent of being a jobless man with a family. on top of that the apps are designed to be highly addictive. it's incredibly fucked up.

Phone addiction will eventually become a huge issue in the near future. Social media addicts are being manipulated by the same mechanisms as slot machines and are being programmed by whatever algorithm they are shown. Picrel is a book about the topic and below are some links about the same.





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You better become gay then because honestly. The vast majority of women are infantalized. Lots of men these days too to be honest. You need to be very blunt and confident with them. That is all they understand, some of them will even play it off like they don't like you at first, but they will honestly be attracted to it. They are attracted to what they cant' have and attracted to teh confidence and security. If you have this auroa about yourself they recognize that vibe, like a dog who gets his owner's vibe and feeds off it. They really just want security and confidence, no different than the animal kingdom where they want an alpha who will bring them food and create strong offspring. You just have to deal with the 21st cenutry nuanced way of doing it. Let them have their social media, but tell them to quit having such low self esteem., that it isn't attractive.