More proof that supply chain issues are orchestrated

there is no true inflation created using excess money supply. What they are trying to do is create fake inflation so as to use it as a pretext to increase rates.

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But then how would they make money off of zero percent loans? (Handouts to corpo croneys)

That's antisemitic

>there is no true inflation created using excess money supply
Explain how

Read this first:

There are 4 types of USD. QE is used to create bank reserves. Bank reserves never leave the balance sheets of a central bank

So only way bank reserves can create inflation is if banks create loans. But banks are not doing that due to risks in the economy. Proof: see money multiplier. It is all time low.

And the Federal reserve is trying to create inflation "expectations" by creating propaganda.

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I have never seen a supply chain, they are not real.

Wait are you saying out there at sea somewhere Is a ghost ship filled with Lamborghini's?

This is the start of a modern day pirate flick.

>banks arent loaning
Debt to gdp

What's it like in Chinkapoor these days?

HK is fucked, considering going somewhere else

What I meant is banks are not creating loans for us plebs and our SMEs because it risky.

Government is borrowing by issuing government bonds.

That increases Debt to GDP.

Government spending affects inflation tho?

Everyone already knows this

put poison in your CEO's food

then they just write it off as a loss and come out ahed

Singapore is already ahead of hk

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Yes it does. It ought to trigger a cycle of money multiplier effect.

But money multpliers are at all time low. You can see it on FRED the stlouis federal reserve website.

How bad are the restrictions? Can you travel?

Only if triple vaxxed

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a supply chain flew over my house.

Then why are prices now so high?

Yea if only for the cats.

Everything else is fucked because sea water is nasty.

>And the Federal reserve is trying to create inflation "expectations" by creating propaganda.
How would that benefit Warren buffet?

Artificial supply chain issues create supply shortages. e.g. GPUs, potatoes, and the prices of those go guy.

Inflation, true inflation is when there is more new money in circulation chasing goods.

But money multipliers are at all time low showing there isn't that much bank deposits getting shuffled and chasing goods.

Warren Buffet treats stocks like perpetual zero coupon bonds AFAIK which are very sensitive to rate hikes.

So I think he buys companies for which the cost of capital is low. I am not sure how he does this.

so you are telling me that the banks have no risk and can just create as much money out of thin air as the want, because they are lending to the government, which collects debt from the interest via taxes?
How does one get type 4 usd?

Or the're just completely economically incompetent who want to flood the decent nations with the scum of the 3rd-world, and don't have a plan to keep it from causing a global economic trainwreck beyond "keep the money printers running."

The price of oil has skyrocketted for no reason. There's no crisis in the M-E, there's plenty of oil avilable yet the price at the pum has never been so high even under the 70s Suez crisis. It's all Wall Street manipulation, same for the so called microchip shortage. Absolute BS.

>artificial supply chain issues
can you elaborate? what is the artificiality?

this is great vw cars are shit

There's no shortage of Porsches and Lamborghinis though. Their production numbers are at all-time highs to where 1,000 cars lost is absolutely nothing. Seeing a Lambo used to be a rare sight, but I've seen more of them over the past 5 years than I did in my entire life up until then.

>implying those lambos aren't insured

as a former logistics wagie I can tell you with 100% certainty that every single one of these "unfortunate incidents" are insurance scams

no one is buying sports cars, let alone shitcars atm

events in ukraine

What's the purpose of bank reserves then? What are they "reserves" for?

if so, why do they make so many lambos?

Commercial Retail Banks which are willing to stomach risk can create as much money as they want by issuing loans. Loans are simultaneously an asset and a liability so it balances out.

The hard part about creating money from thin air like this is transferring it to other banks. That is when your bank needs to transfer central bank reserve to another bank's central bank reserve.

When banks loan to government they pay using central bank reserves, to the government's treasury account. And then banks get to earn from the taxes which are used to pay the interest of the bond (a.k.a coupon).

To get Type 4 USD, you just need to buy government bonds. If you have a lot of money in your bank account e.g. more than 50,000 USD, it is worth doing this because some banks only insure your deposits until 50,000 USD. So if you store more money in the bank and it fails the insurance will only pay 50,000 USD. So someone with a lot of savings better by government bonds using money they want to store as cash. Rates are going to go up so it will be better than keeping it as cash. However if you know a good value stock like Buffet does then that works too.

Petrol has been at an all time high for months now, it has nothing to do with Ukraine. And oil is not gas. There's no shortage of oil. It's Wall Street manipulation.

because once the design and engineering is done, building sports cars is only marginally more costly that building regular ones

a bunch of tanks planes and warships will use oil in the event of a shooting war

Reserves are for keeping score between the elite aristocrat class. It is not for plebs to bid up the price of a Big Mac. We plebs don't get to use reserves until CBDC is introduced.

After CBDC we will all have an account directly at the central bank. But they can also freeze our accounts if we protest, or cancel our money if we don't spend soon enough (a.k.a negative interest rate). This has not happened yet, so this paragraph is just me guessing.

Erosion of the goyim's purchasing power.

Engineered artificial scarcity and planned obsolescence so that rich can become richer and poor become even poorer, I heckin

Like I said it started way before Ukraine. There's plenty of oil coming from other regions than Russia. It's a scam. The microchip shortage is a scam as well.

>supply chain issues are orchestrated.
yeah bro all those trillions corporations are losing just to raise rates so they can............continue losing money......because..............uhh..............jews....niggers.............uhhh........