It's unironically over

It's unironically over.

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Not Ukraine

Stary fucking murdering those Western mercenaries ,no mercy, No Quarter.


stupid jew joke with the cymbal sound at the end
*done tsk*

What’s with all the western propaganda in this board? There’s no war in Ukraine, Russia just sent a peace keeping force to two independent pro Russian states who requested help to protect Russians and Ukrainians from the corrupt Ukrainian Nationalist government who is trying to genocide it’s citizens. There’s no invasion and all the warmongering is from the west.

>It's unironically over.
For USA and mutts, yes.

Over? No, Comrade user, this is just the beginning.

God I hope Putin nukes dc
And ny
And la
And Detroit
Chicago too
And Baltimore
Also Philadelphia
San Fran could go
Wouldn’t miss Chicago
Or Atlanta
Houston we no longer have a problem


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The magazine in panel 1

Elections have consequences. Even fake ones.

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Ding ding ding

Don’t look at Canada or Hillary for two more weeks

It’s 2022, that shouldn’t be too much to ask

Please be true.
>Please be true.
Please be true.
>Please be true.
Please be true.
>Please be true.

After Putin's speech, journos are now going to claim all heavy equipment in DPR / LPR is "Russian".

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When we will get Donetsk memeflag?
We have Catalonian already.


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Let me know when they are rolling up the streets of Berlin


Shell Tschernobyl please.
