Paying taxes as an American is the ultimate cuck

>The Army’s new lightweight infantry assault buggy is cramped as hell, too small to haul supplies, and “not operationally effective for employment in combat and [engagement, security cooperation and deterrence] missions against a near-peer threat,” according to a new assessment from the Pentagon’s chief weapons tester.

>During testing conducted at the Yuma Proving Ground, Arizona, in March 2021 and Fort Bragg, North Carolina, in August 2021, the OT&E report concluded that the vehicle “lacks the capability to deliver effective fires, provide reliable communication, and force protection,” to an infantry squad.

>“The rifle company equipped with the ISVs did not successfully avoid enemy detection, ambushes, and engagements during a majority of their missions,” according to the report. “In order to traverse cross country routes and wooded terrain, the unit was forced to reduce their speed, resulting in slowed movement, or maneuvered on improved routes, negating any element of surprise.”

>“During missions, the unit experienced numerous casualties, delaying mission accomplishment and degrading its combat power for follow-on missions,” the report said.

>This is the second devastatingly critical assessment of the ISV handed down by the Pentagon’s weapons tester in a row. The January 2020 OT&E report noted that, with a lack of an underbody and ballistic survivability requirement, the ISV “will be susceptible to enemy threats and actions” — and the soldiers inside will remain basically helpless to respond.

>“Soldiers cannot reach, stow, and secure equipment as needed, degrading and slowing mission operations,” according to last year’s OT&E report, which noted during testing, soldiers on all ISVs “could not readily access items in their rucksacks without stopping the movement, dismounting, and removing their rucksacks from the vehicle.”

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This + I bet they throw a bullet proof tarp over the top

fucking hell you're pathetic, good goys and/or glownigger retards

You are looking at it all wrong. This vehicle wasn't built to be used by white men. But little brown and yellow fellows against white men.

the us military is a giant money laundering operation and child sex trafficking ring, their primary function is to protect the interests of the trillionaire class

I was just arguing about this with my dad, he said taxes are needed to keep the country running

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how many of these go carts were made? who thought this was a good idea? who got paid?

why the fuck is this even allowed? these niggers waste so much money.

I guarantee that there is a percentage that goes into a Black Budget. All of the real stuff that is even Space Worthy and far beyond current tech is where the money is really going.

Just imagine how many pieces of niggers, spics, trannies and women are going to be scattered all over the desert once this thing hits even a small IED.

Wow it's like they learned nothing from the humvee

these are for use in the planned upcoming civil war for turncoat military working with chinese infiltrators who will kill civilians for dissidence to the new martial law lockdowns, fake pandemics, or whatever the next fake environmental disaster crisis is

the us military is compromised by chinese, they will also activate their "isis" sleeper cells and black militias, who they have been training since obama to go door to door, murdering white americans

the WEF, and the WHO, CDC, compromised elements of the us government and all the regular bad guys have this planned, all working together

we probably see americans families being murdered this year

the media (if any) will portay all of it in a light that makes the government the good guy, and whites the enemy

browns blacks red yellows queers will join in on the killing, fearing for their lives

the super computer quantum AI they use has guaranteed their victories, all contingencies will be planned for, all propaganda will be perfect, you will have your food water shelter electricity internet ALL taken away

that gay little "red team planner here" pasta? hope propaganda

Based. Big if true.

it's literally a just chevy colorado with no body panels

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Taxes are needed. The problem lies in the people who have been entrusted with spending the tax dollars.

Based Chevy assault vehicle

the point is the same then, if you know its getting wasted

the quantum super computer AI algorithm that has been activated for decades now, has been used by powerful parties in the billionaire and trillionaire class for strategic purposes, and some very evil people who want to destroy whites americans and turn america into a brown third world country

they have been using this to guide and govern every world event, everything from what you see and hear, to the amount of information available to you, to who it moves you next to in real estate algorithms, the food and entertainment targeted at you, ALL for the purposes of creating their ideal environment to destroy the white american working class, who they see as a thing to get rid of for their purposes

Ordering a Chevrolet Colorado now.

Taxes are not needed, inflation works just fine.

That’s kind of pathetic.

By black budget do you mean the budget for diversity seminars? The military probably spends more on that than anything else now