War war war, when did liberals and dems become the war party

how did i end up in the liberal warmongering timeline cern? flip the switch again so i can go back

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High Level Political Jew Dems have wanted War with Russia since Trump- and likely before then.

There aren't different timelines sweetie, the universe and time don't revolve around you.

He said he doesn't want to fight Putin.


russia is the one posturing to invade another country and liberals are the one warmongering?

brandon pulled out of a 20 year war. fuck off

>Democrat president when American went to Europe for WWI
>Democrat president when war is declared on Japan starting WWII
>Democrat president when troops sent to fight North Korea
>Democrat president when "advisors" sent to South Vietnam
>Democrat president escalates military involvement in Vietnam
Democrats have always been warmongers.

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The liberals got a soft side and a hard spot. Well, Ruskie hit their hard spot back when monkey was president, Ruskie is taking advantage of USSR infiltration in schools and academics in the western world in the 80s and liberals don't like the nation that created their thoughts to do that.

Always have been

They never stopped supporting pic related with billions of our tax dollers

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pics related
Also 95% of dems vote for this

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You are now remembering Cindy Sheehan.

Russia is securing a sovereign nation that has been out of the control of Ukraine for 7 years. Donetsk is sovereign.
He is making peace. Biden is sounding the doomsday alarm.

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>donald trump runs against free trade agreements which destroyed the Rust Belt
>donald trump runs against endless war
>donald trump runs against the mass migration which has been encouraged to put deflationary pressure on the price of labor since the 1960's / 1970's
>donald trump threatens the basic pillars of """""""democracy""""""" because he gives people the illusion that it's somehow possible to vote against globalization
>Democrats get a case of trump-derangement-syndrome
>while liberals think it's because of muh racism, orange man bad, and orange man corrupt, it is REALLY because Donald trump won by running against everything that Upholds the Rules Based International Order which is led by Washington and London
>liberals were being manipulated by the CIA all along to get them to support every established institution
>liberals enjoy the ego boost from being on the side of respectable institutions, even though more and more people are waking up to the fact that these institutions are corrupt and anti democratic
>now Liberals have Become Authoritarian Institutionalists -- and nothing liberal about them
Donald Trump turned liberals into neocons because they virtue signaled themselves into being so anti-orange-man that they now support authoritarianism

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surely he is going to just stop at taking Donetsk. you cant be this retarded

It will probably be something similar to WW2 where only republicans are drafted to war while the liberals stay at home (In America).

Trump already started that, and there is no war as those republics are not Ukraine

Also this, because when it comes to US foreign policy there is almost no difference between the 2 political parties.

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This is the cringiest post I've seen today. Get the fuck out of here.

This old faggot put Raytheon in his cabinet. Of course war was coming.

you dont get full credit for starting something you monkey. its a lot harder to follow through

Yes, he will. He doesnt wish to expand he wants the west to stop expanding thru NATO. They want Russia's naval base in Crimea and Putin is protecting it.