Political implications of not eating pork

Why do they not eat pork?
Is pork bad for you?

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People with poor sanitation diets have a narrower diet.


Because they reject Christ. Same reasons Muslims are scared of pork.

Is not healthy, borderline cannibalism. Look at the germans, they eat a shit ton of pork and now they are all gays and retarded.
Kosher and halal diets are quite based.
And the true real men eat red meat.
>but muh bacon!
A real reed blooded man only need a coffe and a cigar for breakfast.

Pig meat not properly prepared gives you tapeworms.

i don't eat pork as a christian because i want to adhere to old testament health laws. they're good for you to follow, keeps you from most of the parasites and shit. jews who follow the talmud and any kind of muslim are still not my friends even though we have similarities. eating the same kind of food isn't enough to be friends over. it's a start, but lol, irreconcilable differences. there is nothing "abrahamic" about certain beliefs, if we are to believe biblical narratives.

They say it makes you cuckold. That said we follow islam if it's forbidden by God then it's forbidden even if it's good for you.

Christians arent allowed to eat pork either. Youve just been trolled by people larping and writing letters a few hundred years ago.

ancient ass political/economical reasons, I don't quite remember what's in the vid but basically it has nothing to do with pork being impure or filthy

you just cant bring bacon cheese burgers into the mosque/synagogue.

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>Why do they not eat pork?
In pre-scientific times, Jews and Muslims observed that eating pork caused sickness.
It was true at the time because pork does carry parasites that have to be removed with modern science.
So they enshrined the ban on pork as part of their religion, because back then religion, law and primitive observations of nature were one thing.
>Is pork bad for you?
It used to be, but now it's not.

>Because they reject Christ
>Muslims believe in christ
mutts educations

According to the Quran, and Muslim belief, that Jesus did not die on the cross, and he certainly did not come back from the dead three days later. But you knew that already though memefag

>According to the Quran, and Muslim belief, that Jesus did not die on the cross,
That's right, and how's that rejecting the Christ, muttfuck?

t.real skinny twink men
I din t like holes in my stomach, user.
But i look foward for you.

Jewish people do not eat pork, neither do Hindus. It's reserved only for atheists like chinks and Europeans.


>no sacrifice
>no resurrection
>no forgiveness of sins
Kill yourself shill

Exactly, only god (allah) is the creator and only god forgive you of your sins, not a human being just like you and me, that's what we reject, the heresy and blasphemy the kikes added to christianity throughout the years to deviate it from the oneness to god, saying rejecting that is rejecting the Christ is like saying if you don't accept the current Christmas -the pagan yule religion brought to you by (((cocacola)))-, then you reject chrisitanity!

Muslims took the whole religion from Jews. The Jewish law of Kashrut prohibits eating animals which are not slaughtered by the slaughtering called Shechita. There are many details to this, but the main idea is that the animal has to be killed as humanely as possible. The animal has to be slaugtered by one cut, this cut has to cut through main arteries between the brain and the heart, it also has to cut through the trachea. This ensures that the animal looses contiousnes immediately after the knife exits the throat.

It is impossible to sloughter a pig this way, because it has some major on the back of the neck, so it is imposible to do it with just one cut.

All the animals, not killed according to the shchita are considered nevelah/carcasses, whose consumption is forbidden. Even animals such as cows etc., which have the potential to be kosher, are completely non-kosher if not slaughter in the kosher way. A Jew eating normal supermarket beef is exactly the same as a Jew eating pork, there is no difference, as both are equally nonkosher.

*it has some major ARTERIES on the back of the neck