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Aren't gays used to seeing skidmarks? Why would they be upset?

Doesn't even looked like they targeted the rainbows. Just looks like they should have chosen an empty parking lot for their fun 'n games.

imagine being this insensitive to the color blind

checked and kek'd

Attached: BAS_203.png (597x577, 160.56K)

Based lol I remember when a nigger lives matter street painting was defaced in Charlotte people lost their shit a couple years ago

Perhaps they shouldn't put these in places where a normal human being could conceivably legally drive over them. Yes, art painted on a street is going to have tires going over them. This is how this works.

These fags will spin anything. This wasn't targeted vandalism, this was just niggers doing donuts cuz they're niggers.


I thought black was part of their gay fag rainbow now. Just because the placement is disorderly it shouldn't be considered bad. Real blacks are disorderly, and its discrimination to hate that fact.

Lol… could you imagine all the gay lisping karens calling 911

The nsa office at fort Gordon has rainbow crosswalks and a big gay flag.. Georgia loves those gay flags

It's genius. Place gay faggot aids rainbow shit everywhere. Then every burnout can be called a hate crime.

paint a rainbow swastika in the middle of it

Based and poo-dick pilled.

My ancestor! :)


You would think Faggots would know about FRICTION ???

The paint has less friction so you can get your tires spinning and peel out squealing

It’s on purpose. The reason they put gay crosswalks and big yellow BLM shit on the roads (but no one else’s symbols on roads) is because they want people to commit skid mark fake hate/thought crimes; they want to be able to report about that periodically in media

Kek someone should make a new sheeeeit comic
>nigger does burnout on pavement while drunk
>goes home
>turns news on next day
>News shows the scene with caption "suspect wanted for questioning in anti-gay hate crime"

It was designed for this purpose.
>Put gay things in middle of road
>Use fact that people drive over them to claim more victim points
Gays are absolute faggots, and so am I for falling for the "herp derp they just want to be left alone" shit in the 2000s.

this would be perfect to shop in with guy pulling asshole open pic

>guy pulling asshole open pic
It’s called goatse