Nord Stream 2 cancelled? No problem!

Nord Stream 2 cancelled? No problem!

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oy vey

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Europe can no longer depend on gas
>not just Ruski gas
but ok

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So they will loot the Palastinian's resources as well? I see. Maybe we should not allow gas from The Apartheid State of Israel. That would be supporting a Jewish Supremacist Terrorist Regime. NOT MY GREATEST ALLY.

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I wonder if the Jews can conflate the HollowHOAX with the suffering of the Ukrainians or is that too much Victim Power to give a way by the KIKEs Social Engineers?
"We are just like Israel". What, a terrorist Apartheid State that murdered and stole everything from a native people? Fuck Jews and fuck Israel.

Ah yes, lets transit gas through 10 different countries including Israel and 3rd wordlers who will totally not steal it

Every time...

Aren't pipelines relatively easy to cut open?

But i thought pipelines were bad for muh environment why is it ok to build one originating in israel?

They wont steal it... they'll just mark it up.

are you ready for the punchline?

they cancelled this project to make this feasible in a decade
it was all (((planned))) from the start

guess Zelensky's ethnicity

With the entire might of the Amerisraeli military protecting it? not fucking likely.

thank you greatest ally

Anything that gives Jews power and makes them money is ok. They genocided 60 million white Christians in Russia. Did we ever learn about that is school? NOPE. So therefor when Jews do's ok.

makes sense lmao

realistically there aren't enough supplies to completely replace russian gas in the middle east, it's not like there were untapped surplus there just waiting, they have sold most of their future production for like decade long deals

who is gonna pay for this? you. :3

>kikes won again

With Jooz you lose

yes, undersea niggers will steal gas from the bottom of the medi

...and where is Israel getting it?

I am not sure on this one, but they also found natural gas right of the coast of Crete.

The turban jews.

How exactly would some illiterate third world peasant cut open a liquid natural gas pipeline and steal it?

Sneed's Feed & Seed (formerly Chuck's)

They're making peace with their neighbors which don't actually care about the zionist entity all that much

Greatest ally wins again.

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Gas fields in Israel and off the coast. There are also plans for Jordan and Egypt to route their gas through Israel into this pipe.

the israeli (leviathan) and fields in crete are still under production, so earlies they can ship gas would probably be at the end of the decade, other sources like quatar have said that their supplies are sold and not that much they can transport, azerbaijan is practically in the same position, so both of them would have to also increase their supply which wouldn't come online until end of the decade earliest

The Turks will accidentally on purpose drop depth charges on it daily until you give them gibs not to.

The kikes win again
Im so tired of it

>Israel somehow benefits from all this
Very convenient, pure conicidence of course

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Jfc just allow nuclear

though, I have to add, the new Iranian field started production, if europe wants to tap that, if china hasn't bouth all of that already

Cool, so when will it be done, because im freezing, like, right now

Ez to punch through yes but you will die. Virtually all transmission lines are high pressure, sometimes pressurized above thier manufactured rating. HP generally explodes when damaged. The only way they could be stealing is at regulator sites, but they would really have to know what you are doing to not get killed.

They want to help us. There are no coincidences. They are friends to Europe. I am not anti semitic. One race, the human race. What good of them to help us. We need help. Thank you Big Brother. Out democratically elected officials are so smart. Science makes this possible. Different nations helping each other. This is what it means to be human. The Party is here to keep us safe. We will brave this together. Love your neighbor. Thank you all and may you have a great day.


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you forgot your pic

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It all comes down to who can provide Europe with natural gas the quickest, before their "green" initiative is fully in place. This is of course assuming that their green energy projects actually work

Why can't Europe depend on Russia for gas? So far the only reliability problems have been self-inflicted by the recipients. I have heard no one accusing Gazprom of breaking any delivery contracts.

LOL seethe more germoid, you cucks let Ukraine get invaded so now we control your shitty gas. stay frosty fags

>Just put an oil pipeline under the mediterranian sea, there is no way a leak could happen and kill millions of people and ruin their livelyhoods goyim...


may I sell you some gas goy??

Thanks for explaining

>claims this new plan will secure europes energy independence
>will have to rely on an Israeli pipeline
Ffs just build nuclear plants already. They are the most environmentally friendly and cheapest form of energy.

Because Europe has to sanction russia every few years because they are hungry for clay.

Thank you Israel you are our greatest ally.

Germany fucked by the jooos again.

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China doesn't have bullshit politics/agenda to push, nor it USA client state. The choice is obvious.


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Translation: the war is a mossad psyop. Now we have confirmation.


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The jews picked some of the richest lands in the world of corse.

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Russia really doesn't have a choice except to be a vassal state of china.

So the USA just told them "you want it you can have it becasue we no longer need Ukraine for sanctions" jeez the west just chew you up and spit you out in to the gutter, I would never give my hand to a Jew or an American

>Imminent war
>Israel somehow manages to profit from it
It's all so tiresome bros

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