LMAO Any Forums btfo

LMAO Any Forums btfo

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You will never be a woman

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>tfw happens to be an expert on both

And now fuck outa here. :)

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Nooooooooo don't discooos things that are habbening
yor not an expeeeeeert

they are men of many talents

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Digits and my answer to the first you asked is the correct take

I never claimed to be an expert, I just called it like I saw it.

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Yes, and?

Damn, Brian Stelter looks like THAT now?

One post by this faggot.

Your vagina closes every day because your body thinks it's a wound LOL.
Go dilate, troon.

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I got sick in 2003 from a vaccine and my private auto immune disorder group jumped to 15k members from 1.5 during 2020-2021.

>14k people don't come out of nowhere and none of their illnesses match the original members.

Last week you were a faggot, and this week you're still a faggot.

Smart people can be anything they want, because they know how to read and think.

This is literally redit though

I stand corrected 26 thousand people now.

>Trust the science
>Trust the government

Hans, get the flamer. The heavy flamer.

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>you need 20 years of study to point out an obvious fact
Nope, dilate

How will he recover?

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They filter these posts. You need to get creative with symbols so they don't cuck you out. For example: Y \/\/ /\/ 8 A R \/\/

I do love this - but also, like what are we not allowed to comment on everything? who made you the thought police

talking abotu vaxx is OUT. talking about ukraine is IN.

mentally sound and totally not autogynefiles.

So what you’re saying is that people can’t be experts in every field?

>the average person doing research on a computer is more informed and correct the the entire force of government.
I don't think this meme had the effect you think it does.

Someone has to have a successful track record

Good boots-on-the-ground info.
The fundamental value of this board.

I'm not an expert on either subject, what I am is capable of finding a variety of experts on both subjects, reading what they have to say and forming my own opinions.

I'm now going to go and nut into my housemates shampoo bottle for drinking the last of my iced coffee.

>the truth is unobtainable through careful study and diligence. just give up and let someone else do the thinking for you.

Pretty easy to come to the conclusion of, they didnt test enough and i dont want another foreign war.

Whoopsie ... did expect bad but wasn't sure about the magnitude until recently.

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so everyone who had a little headache and sore arm for a few hours felt the need to search for a self employed group? lel

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>I'm tired of not talking about jews.
>This week I'm not talking about jews.

No Ukrainian ever called me a nigger.

TRUST THE SCIEN-*passes out from spike protein in the brain*

Troons never use filters because they crave attention, even if it's insults. Just like you do being a filthy namenigger.