My fatigue is reaching levels that were previously deemed impossible

my fatigue is reaching levels that were previously deemed impossible

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Idc about slavery. Idc about blacks. Quit whining 24/7 and maybe your life will improve.

Black people sold them into slavery though

great.... bring back crt and eliminate white history from schools

yes, it's a problem that slavery is taught in usa as somehow unique to nigger experience, while every single race and ethnicity on this planet has experienced slavery and most of them have been slavers as well

Indentured Servants where a thing I learned. Whites enslaving whites. So little education these days, no wonder Commies are trying to take over.

but the REAL problem is that slavery isnt taught as history in general. have a fucking slavery class and then teach about ALL the races tribes, ethnicities, who were slaves and who enslaved them and why and how they became slaves in the first place.
then lets see who wants the monopoly on slavery


My family were slavs and came here after slavery

Hey black invent something useful



Greeks never had slaves
All Greeks were black
They built the pyramids

We didn't really learn about slavery, my school had extra holocaust class instead. It was right after our LGBTQIA+ affirming sex ed class though and we did learn a little about masters and bondage in that one.

The pyramids were built with tech imported from wakanda

Irish were the first slaves sent to the new world. Cromwell called it getting "Barbadosed". Over 1 million Irish died digging canals in New Orleans cause they were cheaper and more expendable than black slaves. Native Americans owned slaves and fought for the South in the Civil War. These things aren't taught in school nor is the Barbary slave trade

Ok Nigger

Niggas wear bibs too

Attached: High falutin niggas.jpg (720x705, 127.35K)

It should be taught as the history of Jewish people.

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>Over 1 million Irish died digging canals in New Orleans

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We can't share a country with these animals unless they are literally our servants.

the eternal victim

The root word of Slave is Slav, or Slavic in origin. Not a lot of any Black person is Tyrone Kowalski, unless adopted or married into a Slavic family name. Every race has been a slave throughout human history. The new slavery is opioid and hard drug addiction . The Democrats are giving away free needles and crack pipes to vote for and stay on the plantation.


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They don't care about those slaves. If you bring them up they get angry. But you have to wonder, what's worse, being a house nigger on a southern plantation, or being a Roman silver mine slave?

Whites didn't invent slavery but the did end it

southern plantation, because it means you’re a nigger

oh so you can have master/slave in sex inclusion but not programming dialectics.

I don't necessarily think you're lying. I could totally see this being real.

Our class watched Shindlers list and read Maus