Redpilled white woman calls out Jewish overrepresentation

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>Jewish culture empahsis education
>Jewish culture empahsis hard work
>Israel has one of the highest IQs in the world
Chuds: JeWs ArE oVeR RePrEsEnTeD beCaUse Of A CoNspIrAcY to GenoCidE uS

get the fuck out you feminist pig

Post nose

>Jewish culture empahsis subversion
>Jewish culture empahsis nepotism
>Israel has one of the largest intelligence agencies in the world

He also thinks usury is hard work

by do jewish newspapers claim then that niggers are underrepresented because of systemic racism and not because of low IQ, culture which emphasizes not getting an education and not working?
Kinda seems hypocritical, no?

Yeah, when I think of Jews, I think of hard work. Like writing for the New York Times and working at the bank. Such backbreaking, laborious work.

...and naturally she wants men to fix it for her

How does she know that they're all men? Did she ask them one by one?

>calls out Jewish overrepresentation
No, she's calling out "male overrepresentation"

kill yourself kike

the logical conclusion from your premise is that ethnic groups who are underrepresented might not have the same emphasis on education, hard work, or such a high average IQ. In other words: culture and IQ matter.

If we accept that Jews are were they are entirely due to merit, then what does that say about blacks and other minorities who blame whites for their failures? (and get Jewish support for it)

Average IQ of Israel is 95 lol. Hassidic vs Ashkenazi Jews.

Israel average IQ: 92.43
Ranks 49th in the World

I like how the bitch has no problem with a small group holding immense power as long as some of them have cunts.

Fuckin white knight

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Jews are min maxed. They have high verbal IQs but low spatial IQs. These means that they can never create anything beautiful. Look at how terrible Jewish architecture is. Look at their works of art. Look at how ugly the content of their writings is. The prime example of the is Karl Marx (mega Jew) communist manifesto where the words are very persuasive and influential (high verbal IQ) but it’s content is complete trash and pushes for something destructive (communism).

You can criticize men but you can’t criticize Jews. You can call out men on their bullshit but you can’t call out Jews on their bullshit. The Holohoax is the Jew’s Teflon. Who has more power?

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>Chuds: JeWs ArE oVeR RePrEsEnTeD beCaUse Of A CoNspIrAcY to GenoCidE uS
That's not how it works retard. For every hard working and smart jew you'll find 100 goym that are just as capable.
Nepotism and acting like "fellow white people" in front of the goym are the reason jews take over institutions and companies.
Jews are a tribe and they help each other for the sake of their tribe, while whites see other whites as competitors.

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I got your back Hungary!

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Fuck you. She wouldn't dare calling ((them)) out. She's just talking about "white old meeeeeen".

More specifically, white male representation. The chameleon camouflages itself until the uninitiated only see Ken and Jeb and Cletus from the KKK. You gotta put on the sunglasses to see Moishe and Chaim and Ezra.

It would work better with yarmulkas

Nearly all good movies and tv shows are made by jews. All the most beloved christmas songs are made by jews. A good amount of great books are written by jews. You don't need spacial IQ for writing (obviously) so it should come as no surprise.
>karl marx
>mega Jew
>"On the Jewish Question" is a work by Karl Marx, written in 1843
However, there are also plenty of great jewish painters. What's your beef with pic related beside the shit resolution?

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There you go. It has more to do with racial nepotism, jewish in group loyalty, than anything else.

If it was due to high IQ and other culture factors only you would expect to see Jews over represented. But it is not the case that every Jew, or even most, have genius etc IQ. Most are average.

There simply are not enough Jews for the IQ excuse to work. You might see, what, maybe twice as many jews as you would expect if it was IQ? So instead of just over 1 percent you might expect 3 percent to be Jewish? No, it isn't IQ.

She is just manhating. Entry level, default mode blue pill.

She should just start her own Fortune 500 company.

jews also have a very high mathematical IQ

>Israel has one of the highest IQs in the world
no they don't, they are double digit retards
where are you getting your info from moshe

btw you're retarded. spatial intelligence has nothing to do with your "creativity" or "beauty"

call her out for anti-semitism