Book Thread

I always enjoy a good book thread and I'm very often impressed by the recommendations I get. It's hard for a book thread to pick up steam, and likely this one will fall off the board instantly, but I'm giving it a go. I've tried to make my list of recommendations very rare titles so people's eyes won't glaze over by once again seeing the word Evola, e.g.
Here goes
Personal Beauty and Racial Betterment by Knight Dunlap
The Racial Prospect by Seth K. Humphrey
The Separated Nation by Horace Lorenzo Hastings
Studies in the American Race Problem by Alfred Holt Stone
The Lost Cause by Edward A. Pollard
Rockefeller: The Man Who Misrules the World by Emmanuel Josephson
The Coming War by Erich Ludendorff.

some titles I've seen recommended, and was impressed by

The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind
Book by Julian Jaynes
Shadow Men
The Anti-Humans
Secret History of the Revolution of 1848
Eugenics and Race Roger Pearson
Our Country Vindicated by William Potts

I'll try to keep the thread attended

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Other urls found in this thread:

All these books sound gay as fuck.
Debt: The First 5000 Years
The Two Income Trap
The Lost Science of Money
The Dollar Crisis
The Web of Debt
The Creature From Jekyll Island
Confessions of an Economic Hitman
Shock Doctrine
If you want to know some real shit about the world those are the books you start with

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mine are much much better than yours

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That is an excellent list. Can you post a link?
My only problem with it, is it lacks the mechanics of their power. Maybe the usury books might have something.
The book on Dialectics and And Silent weapons as far as I can tell are the only books with insight to the mechanics. I should have added all content on fractional reserve banking as well. I don't care much for the history of Jews. I understand them well. I care about framing history on the Monetary Dialectic. For that, we need to understand the nature of debt and how it functions. Though for some I can see them needing context. For me, it is rather simple. Take the money power and rule them all.

they. don't. read.

sput goes to the beach

The Darkening Age: The Christian Destruction of the Classical World

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lol op thinks anyone here reads books

On desperate ground

Read it at night during the winter

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Only 1 you need, the holy bible, no, not the kike one, the white man holy biblio - BTC Whitepaper

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I'm looking for
>David Ray Griffin
>Christian Faith and the Truth Behind 9/11.
His other books on 911 are easy enough to find, but this one seems fairly expensive to obtain.

justpaste dot it/8hoz6

>War of the Running Dogs (Non Fiction)
And follow it up with:
>The Garden of Evening Mist (Fiction)
And then
>The Redundancy of Courage

this link might be the best
mega dot

>schizo reading list.

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currently reading (image related)
then I'm planning to read Reel Bad Arabs How Hollywood Vilifies a People by Jack Shaheen

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Why is everyone reading trash?

I'm a bookfag and I love 19th century Russian literature as well as generally literature from death camps. Its my literary crack.

As a contemporary author I'd suggest Michael Houllebecq. His latest book is hilarious.

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Everyone should read the "Ringmakers of Saturn". It's an extremely good book written by a former NASA scientist about how he found alien life in Saturn's rings and NASA made him shutup about it.


Harry Potter
>realizing that the mudbloods ruined everything

leftism revisted - erik von kuehneldt-leddihn

history of the left. very interesting writer. his other book, liberty or equality, is also very good.

I’d love to wake up between a woman’s legs

did you read gulag? fuck that was depressing

Sure loved it. Its a classic

I fucking saw that at the library the other day. I'll make sure to pick it up next time I'm there.

The Holy Bible(ideally kjv) contains the only words which show you to the true path to Salvation and thus it is the best book.

To those who are not saved; All who do not believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour are doomed to end up in hell and remain condemned. If you wish to avoid such a fate repent of your sins, believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour for your salvation and He will deliver you from evil and save you from hell.

Also I suggest caution regarding other denominations that call themselves Christians. What my faith led me to is non-denominational Christianity but for you God might have a different plan so go where God leads you.

catholics beware as you are in danger of damnation:

Something worth watching if you have the time:

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Reading “A classic American novel of regeneration through violence”

‘Blood Meridian’ by Cormac McCarthy