Graphene Matrix

The vax really is to form the Matrix, just not in the manner all of us thought.

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They made an over unity engine?

Where is the energy coming from? My bullshit detector is beeping.

Ambient radio waves. It's very little energy.


Heat. The physics are still subject to debate but it's essentially harvesting heat via brownian motion, which was thought impossible but seems to not be.

They made Maxwell's demon.
Assuming this isn't a fake or gay.

I said the poke would turn folks into walking crypto mining nodes. And this would be fine, if you could agree to it, and benefit from your bodies work, but nope. Someone else gets your crypto.

So it's bullshit then. Review: Maxwell's equations.

>limitless power

Attached: 7944AF62-90B5-4DE0-A85D-C87F31C547E3.jpg (208x326, 10.23K)

Quantum mechanics would like to have a word with you

It's probably bullshit but let's not pretend we know everything there is to know about physics.

This is how we solve global warming!

so speak up I'm listening

>just a picture of Intel 8080
What did they mean by this

Attached: 9A44E84A-4DF7-4252-842A-FB076C102AE6.jpg (467x225, 14.38K)

You talk like one of those retards who thinks we'll invent FTL travel and visit foreign worlds in cosmic ships. Let me just say that I think you're what's bad for humanity and we should think about the resources below us not those above.

>Jews will not only use graphene to mind-control people, but harvest their vital force as well

not bullshit its possible but I doubt they made it or it works like user explained. Lookup maxwell demon.
t. phyiscist

Far less energy than it takes to actually produce the damn thing.


Yes. Fuck it. Never improve. Don't even try. 100 years ago you'd be screaming at some retard for thinking he can make a switch with no moving parts.

But can it run Crysis?

>one of those retards who thinks we'll invent FTL travel and visit foreign worlds in cosmic ships
space is fake and gay and is for faggots who are too scared to deal with the problems we have on earth (niggers, jews, and the coming AI anti-christ)

What's your take on electromagnetic propulsion?
The EM drive popped up quickly then disappeared but seems to be a far less effective version of a tr3b engine.
Do you think the UFOs we see are aliens?

>unlimited power
yeah fucking right, this is bullshit

go on youtube you fucking 18 year old tourist

>harvesting heat via brownian motion, which was thought impossible but seems to not be
Of course it's possible.. The "laws" of thermodynamics are fake and gay. They can't be derived from first principles. The laws of the universe are basically invariant under time reversal (except for rare cases like K mesons).