Fuck repaying student loans

Student loan justice needs to be brought to the forefront of the political agenda. A more educated workforce benefits everyone. We've gone two years without paying and lo and behold, the economy is chugging along. As a teacher, I spent a lot of time getting an education to help the youth of America. It's high time that people like me get loans wiped out.

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what's in the first three bags? lol this cartoon is retarded


Studying Women studies doesn't make you more educated. Get an actual degree and your student loans will benpaid within 2 years tops.

It's the intellectuals that got us into this mess. Cry baby bitch, you wanted to go to college, well, u get what you deserve. I hope the gender and women studies were worth it

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>A more educated workforce benefits everyone
If that "education" bears fruit it would pay for itself in good salaries down the road, and benefit yourself first before it trickles down to us. No, what you want is reimbursement for consuming a bad service. Essentially paying for each other's choices in education regardless of the profitability of each course. To that I say, kill yourself socialist

Imagine paying for college lol

This. It's in our interest that our beloved bankers are paid back what they're owed, plus interest.

>what's in the first three bags?
Your liberal elites of course don't send their children to public schools, so they have to pay for that education

Why? Both the college and the loan were optional? Also if you borrowed so much money did you get an equal amount of education?

The inflation in our nation has gone up by like 1000% since I accumulated student loan debt. Why does it even matter? They print money like it's worthless anyways.

>A more educated workforce benefits everyone
Except probably half of the US degrees are from such demanded research areas like African, Women, or Indigenous studies

If we dont they will tank the economy! Then how will I watch my Pig Skin Nigger Ball and drink my Diabetes Syrup?

Especially when you can find the curriculum online.

Don't take out a loan then.

But I don't want the vile Feminist-hags that read "Gender studies", by anti-White parasite-Jew professors, to have their student loads tax-payed!

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Just don't pay. It's not like they can do shit anyways.

vape pens and condoms

In Sweden the tax-payers are definitely paying for student loads.

They can take your tax returns and garnish your wages and make it so you can never buy a house or car.

Yeah, I know, and I HATE it.
Although I was a student too in Sweden, computer-science, but a bit of a flunk (I wasn't smart enough for it).

Student loans are just a modern version of debt slavery meant to kill social mobility.

>Oh, you have some talent and ambition?
>Well, just get a degree and enjoy social mobility!
>Oh, but you have to pay us to get the degree.
>And that extra money you'd make from the degree which would go towards social mobility?
>You'll give it to us in the form of interests.
>For the rest of your life.

Basically, they still want doctors, lawyers, engineers, programmers, chemists and the such from the proletariat but they don't want them to experience social mobility.

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