Tetanus shot

Pol, I haven't had a tetanus shot in 13 years. They say they last around 10 years. Should I go get one ? kek

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My grandfather is a huge devotee of Neem Karoli Baba

He has his books, picture in the home temple, has visited his temples and sacred places.

Wow very cool. Did he spend alot of time with him ?

does you family have a guru ?

Nah, Baba Neem Jaroli died way before my grandfather got to know about him or became his devotee.
Not really. My grandfather may consider the above his guru but out family did not have one. Also Guru need not be religious. Guru basically meant teacher in India but, we had far greater relations and respect towards our gurus before compared to the modern day ignorant teachers in highs schools

Have you ever got a contact high from a sadhu ?

You can wait but if you get a cut with a rusty edge you should get one in urgent care.

No, great digits btw

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You are the most based curry ever. I like you.

disinfo. I cut myself all the time with rusty tools and never have problems, If it's just a scratch there's no way it got into your blood

Tetanus is exceedingly rare even in places with low vaxx rates

They last 20 years with new regulations i though.

I took it when I had open wound from bicycle crash

Better safe than sorry

Yeah. Its not just rusty nails, they say dirt can cause it to. I do abit of mountain biking so it might be the right decision

Neem Karoli Baba Maharaji is so based
Ram Ram

Dirt and rusty nails are fine as long as there's no cow or horse dung on them

Eventually all vaccines will be mRNA

way to fucking based
Ram Ram

Have you ever met a bhudda ?

nah, all vaccines are bullshit

>Should I go get one ?

It's not rust it's barn fecal matter.