Be wholesome

>be wholesome
>get laughed at

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who doesnt like cheese?

Attached: 1645470352550.jpg (880x480, 53.02K)


That’s a really nice gift, I like cheese.

don't fucking gift anything on a 1st date, i'd even go as far as making them split the bar tab...and no dinner. Drinks, coffee or something else. You simp sucker faggots that's how u get saved in their phone as "free food."

i agree.

why do you keep spamming this shit?


shit's probably expensive too.

country folk are too kind

isn't 12kg cheese really expensive?

also, why would a farmer give her a whole cheese in a box? looks like they ordered it online.

Attached: 4j6a.jpg (975x650, 105.52K)

>12kg wheel of cheese
Ungrateful thots.
That thing would've cost like 1/3rd of the average monthly salary here.

Attached: 1585329680522.png (250x250, 94.53K)

Not as expensive as a city girl.


nigger detected
if you're lactose intolerant you're not aryan

Didn't she also post that it was based he did it?

Awesome and expensive gift.

That’s like $600 in cheese

He even put the condom on the cheese. Based and honestypilled.

I got a little trick for you.

Take the price of on kilo cheese, then add the same thing together twelve times.

I'm jealous as fuck
t. cumskin

I’m not lactose intolerant.

Attached: 1642336416684.jpg (828x621, 48.5K)

Guys need to understand, that it is GOOD when they show their true face early on. Imagine making children/marrying and only then find out she’s evil

based. Would date if I was a girl.

Shut up faggot you let Somalis colonize your country

Not just him but these comments are exactly the same from yesterday too

old school

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Personally I'd rather have the cheese.

That's more than a month salary outside of Moskva and SPB

Probably the same box/packaging he uses to sell his cheese to retailers. Just picked one from the stock.
Farmers aren't dirt scrapping peasants