Soap, deodorant and paste are shekel hoaxes for bitch-ass niggas, prove me wrong

Started with self showers, then into floor sleeping, then read Anglin's article on quitting soap, then replaced commerical antiperspirant for natural deodorant, then quit toothpaste and brush with water.

I don't stink, I am not particularly greasier, my breath is alright, I sleep fine, I don't get sick, and haven't gotten complaints (shower 1 - 3 cuz workout)

Explain to me why I am a savage

Attached: download (1).jpg (1500x1000, 99.35K)

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How lucky you are to not smell of body odor? Soap is suppose to limit germs by washing them off you with a soapy substance. It's science


Soap ruins and conditions your skin to be more vulnerable, it will produce more grease and feel "dirty" quicker cause the chemicals will wipe out your natural protection and your body will produce an huge amount in order to compensate.
I use shampoo once a week and I use body soap (with neutral ph) like every 10 days or when I'm really really dirty. Otherwise I always use plain water, no need for deodorants or perfumes either as I have no odour.

you can parfume your clothes

Your skin DOES NOT emit any odors, short of the natural oils when you do NoSoap, but its more of a musk and doesnt smell bad. The only part of the body that smells are the armpits because they release more sweat bacteria feeds on, hence deodorant (I use white vinegar on a spray bottle)

Consider that I am not white, but mestizo (half white), which have a stronger smell

Soap has lye, which scrubs off all natural oils on the skins surface needed for waterproofing and nourishing, which is why some people get rashes or dry skin. Plus when you shower with hot water your pores open and all the chemicals (including estrogens) are absorbed which turns you into a bitchass nigga

Parfume also got bitchass nigga estrogens which mess with your endocrine system.

As for showering, I use a poliester sponge to scrub the excess oils.

I don't use anything for my hair either and I'm fine, considering that I cut my own hair at home and it hasnt been a problem at all.

Search for "dailystormer quit soap" on duckduckgo and enter the self-help page, read 'em all. Thank me later

Im sure you are well liked by your colleagues.

Actually I am, normie

This. I only shower once a week without soap just cold water.

Lmao spotted the germophobe kike-soap addicted, you will never have a healthy PH, you will never experience life without chemicals, you will never reach sebaceous equilibrium.

You can make your own soap and not spend another shekel on toxic chemicals with titanium-oxide coloring:

Attached: korres-olive-paradosiako-prasino-sapouni-me-arwma-kedrou-125g-500x500.jpg (500x500, 51.43K)

WHy use soap, at all foo' you listening?

What do you use instead of deodorant?

Google, white vinegar (%9 alcohol vinegar) worked for me, spray 3 times from a spray bottle and let it dry or dry with dry towel for the smell to go away, lasts long too.

Wouldn't that make you smell like a fish and chip shop?

Because I get dirty when I work and I can mix other therapeutic extracts into the soap-mix, like chamomile to make it antibacterial or vanilla to make it anti-inflammatory.

Dry armpits before, hairdrier if necessary, no smell/ vinegar has a PH level similar to skin, so it doesnt cause any abnormalities, but the acidity kills bacteria which feed on sweat, hence no smell

I'm not into the whole essential oils and alternative solutions, I saw the consequences of soap and deodorant and decided to go full paleolithic on dat ass. The simpler something is, the more likely itll work

>Explain to me why I am a savage
You're not a savage, you're a loner who adopts meme behaviours from the internet, no different from a tranny or a cat lady in terms of being fucked up in the mind. Instead of wasting your time with this shit how about you pick up a book and read it?
>brushing teeth with water
Try eating onions and garlic, your breath will be marvellous
>Sleeping on the floor
Imagine meeting a girl, bringing her to your house and then telling her "Ahaha yes I sleep on the floor" with a straight face
Get a hold of yourself for fuck's sake

I read books often. I do eat them and it passes. I don't care for meeting women

You think you don't stink cause you just get use to smelling like ass all the time.

I give you credit though, good points, I am "fucked in the mind" but it has hurt me yet.


What are the benefits of floor sleeping

Stop trying to convince people to stop being hygienic you disgusting kike worm.

>It's science
What are you? A scientist?

Frankly not many, they say it fixes your back when you sleep chest up.

I do it because I read Meditations and Seneca.

But I believe cushions are the cause so many people suffer from back problems and pains, maybe even circulation. Cold showers for example harden your body and improve circulation and so on.

If you want to be healthy, look at what cavemen did and follow

What's der sturmers new page

>It's science

Attached: download (3).jpg (300x400, 19.89K)

>Imagine meeting a girl
you lost me

dailystormer dot name

I don't do essential oils. I make my own extracts, which is also very easy. And as an ultra basic rule, food is medicine, you just need to know what treats what.


and get the tor address

Soap was discovered by accident when tribes would ritualistically slaughter animals on mountains. The rain would cause animal fat to mix with ash, washing soap into the river. It wasn’t discovered or invented by Jews.

Soap has the special chemical property that it can bind to both fat and water. So where oils or grease would stick to the skin even under a running sink, soap can wash them away. There are alternatives: wash first with dirt (to get the grease and oil) then with soap. Or wash with sand. But soap is easy and cheap. Too much of it can dry out your hands since they depend on natural oils - so don’t wash wish soap more than 2-3 times per day (I’m talking about hand washing, not showering)

As for antiperspirant, it’s total poison. Deodorant is better, but better still is just doing nothing. If you have a healthy diet and shower daily then your natural musk will be subtle and pleasant. Stinking means your body is excreting toxins or you’re covered in bacteria.

As for toothpaste, it’s an abrasive. This makes it useful for scraping off things that are stuck on. The better solution is to not eat sticky foods, and switch to only drinking water. Water with every meal will safely wash your teeth clean without damaging your natural calcite layers.

>Soap is fine but not in excess
>Deodorant is better than antiperspirant but worse than doing nothing
>Toothpaste is situational. Avoid the situations

>you will never have a healthy PH, you will never experience life without chemicals, you will never reach sebaceous equilibrium.
Knockoff Germany btfo.
I started with hair and have reached a good point. I noticed how over-washing and/or using strong products was actually worse for my skin and now use light products with probiotics. The next step for me is lighter use of these products to restore my skin. So far, it's the healthiest my hair and skin have ever been.

Realizations like this have made me realize how fucked the modern world is with greed running rampant.