Why does Any Forums hate Ukraine again? Is it just the usual contrarianism?

Why does Any Forums hate Ukraine again? Is it just the usual contrarianism?

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I don't hate Ukraine. I'm annoyed that Europeans (Ukrainians and Russians) are dying because the USA wouldn't keep its paws off Ukraine.

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Isn't Crimea Russian now?

I'm not a vatnik, so I don't. The le based jewtin savior of the white race crowd is cringe

> why does Any Forums hate ____ so much? Why have u spent the last 19 years of your life hating ____ every day?

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>Why does Any Forums hate Ukraine again? Is it just the usual contrarianism?
The people of Ukraine are fine
The government of Ukraine is nothing more than a pack of jewish oligarchs that were installed in 2014 via the CIA
They replaced the puppets that Russia controlled, which is in turn controlled by it's jewish oligarchs
Don't give a shit what happens to the Ukranian govt, they'll have yids either way until the American Empire collapses

The issue is that ukraine allowes itself to be the puppet of those who literally want to destroy civilization, erase all european culture and people to rule over a global hellscape of low iq human cattle and rape children

Without that, i would support ukrainian self determination

People here hate Ukraine because it chose to go western way and ditched Russia.
And basically west=bad here and russia =based so there it is.

We hate globohomo, globohomo hates Russia, so we support Russia.

This entire board is basically russian diaspora

Why should I "love" the latest kike / globohomo project ?

This thread is fucking retarded


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>And basically west=bad here and russia =based so there it is.
No, its actually globohomo=bad, anyone against globohomo=good

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Thank you for saying it like it is, user. Ukraine is a globalist puppet state and that's more detestable to me than a regional power like Russia.

>globohomo hates Russia

Klaus Schwab literally said that Putin is pro globalhomo agenda

This. Well put kraut fren.

They’re a bunch of western sellouts and pimps who are actively trying to start WW3 and have the arrogance to think of themselves as major players in global politics.

Im not Russians, I just hate the American regime that has sent our jobs overseas, overflown our nation with immigrants, and bombarded our culture with sodomy and anti-white hatred. Ukraine represents the globohomo, so any opposition to the globohomo gets my support.

Yep but to what extend. Schwab praises everyone centralizing control over their population.

Yes. Why is it so hard for you faggots to understand this?

US and EU installed neonazi regime in Ukraine just to steal russian oil and antagonize Russia

>cuckraine tries to fuck over its minorities(its own people too but thats beside the point)
>get super surprised when russia intervenes to help the russians

Retarded ass fucking hohols.

I think general Russophilia possibly? They have this impression that Putin stands against globohomo so generally what he supports geopolitically must be good.

A lot of Americans, and I am one of them, are very tired of foreign wars and foreign interventions and don’t see how it benefits us. It has nothing to do with hate for Ukraine or love for Russia. I really would like to see both Ukraine and Russia prosper. But I don’t think it’s my business to interfere and I don’t want to commit American troops to that.

I especially don’t want them to do it for some dumb idea of “spreading democracy” to make the world safe for trans and gay people. I think transsexualism and homosexuality are very bad for societies and I think they are a evil.