How do you fight demoralization? I am at my lowest point to date, beyond depression, pure emptiness

How do you fight demoralization? I am at my lowest point to date, beyond depression, pure emptiness.

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Quit complaining and get back to work, that's how.

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You need a thick skin. You will never truly be immune to it but in my case it is everywhere. Demoralisation non stop, even in my dreams. I am assailed by it daily and yet im still here. I am a much stronger man mentally these days than I have ever been as it has solidified my convictions about reality and I know I am on the right track. You would not believe the shit I have had to witness in my short life. Many people would kill themselves.

Based forged in the crucible of flame poster.

It's only gonna get worse from here

I've been meaning to make a thread about this for a while but unfortunatly I accidentally spammed two threads in a row and I cannot post threads anymore only comment. I have petitioned the jannies about it but I haven't heard back.
I have a couple of things I would like to say for people who are extremely demoralised.
>I know exactly how you feel. It isn't depression anymore like OP said. It's something much more than that. It is like someone has ripped the life out of you and hasn't replaced it with anything. It's like the first step towards transhumanism in a way.
>Try to focus on copes. It is hard to do that now because the little voice in your head says "thats cope, this is cope that is cope". So you shut down options. But you need to just do it.
There is more I could say but im running out of room.

I am not going to tell a meme flag how to maintain morale I hope you kill yourself kike

To add to this you need to make a list of the most important things in life. Not neccesarily the most important goals you want to achieve but just generally. Let's make a list;
>Having a wife and children
>That wife and children being happy, healthy and mentally sane
>Providing for that wife and children at all costs
>Belief in something other than the material; spirituality, race, both
>Looking at the woes of the world from an objective point of view, however difficult that is (you mostly look at things from subjective POV which is perfectly normal)
>Remember the ancient stories of past civilisations that also dealt with similar problems such as Babylon, Bronze Age Mediterranean and realise what we are experiencing is just a more advanced version of what people back then experienced.
>Realise there were thousands of people in the same position as us back in those days. Who had the same thoughts that life is pointless, normies are retards and they have no way of escaping it.
>Some managed it and some didn't. But you arent alone in this struggle. You have to remember there are other people in todays world dealing with the EXACT SAME issues you are half way across the world.
That is at least what I try to do.

- Find something fulfilling to do with your hands to make a living on your own
- Have satisfying hobbies
- Lift heavier and heavier and heavier weights at the gym
- Eat well
- Stay hydrated
- Don't watch porn
- Don't use drugs
- Quit social media
- Cherish a tight inner circle of trustworthy friends
- Go to church
- Take on side projects, no matter how small, as long as they're fun and challenging for you

Read non-fiction books to ground yourself in the world.
I don't mean to shill, but Antelope Hill has a great selection.

deleting the anime girl pictures on your phone would be a nice start degenerate


>How do you fight demoralization?
Unironically Jesus. We are here for a reason: to become worthy of God's kingdom.

Huggy Wuggy

Do 50 body squats right now!

Think of something you could do that would make your life less miserable and do it

Slowly build up self discipline so you have the will power to actually do things. No political development will take you out of depression.


Removing the cause of it, permanently.

There are more redpilled people today than there ever has been throughout human history. Once you take the red pill, you can't go back. Their time is limited in this regard.

One word. Jesus

vengeance has no time for depression

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Whereas humanity once had philosophy of life or guiding principles well-woven into their culture and surroundings, modern society is essentially devoid of it or propagates a perceived irrelevance, especially by propagating the notion of equivalence of merit. This is both caused by and leads to consumer culture. In such a culture, individuals base their sense of reality upon anything which represents values which are esteemed.
Symptoms of this are especially evident in those whose lens is thoroughly grounded in some commercial product, such as deriving their moral value judgements from comparison to Harry Potter characters. Such a one’s sense of self is built on a foundation of sand. The central organizing principles and practices of consumer culture perpetuate an “existential vacuum” that makes one extremely vulnerable to demoralization.
In The Moral Order, anthropologist Raoul Naroll uses the term “moral net,” characterized by examples to show that entire societies can become predisposed to moral/philosophical crises if allowed to deteriorate beyond a certain point. In order to avoid such crises, a society’s moral net must be able to meet key psycho-social-spiritual needs of its members, including:
• Sense of identity and belonging
• Co-operative activities that weave people into a community
• Shared rituals and beliefs that offer a convincing existential orientation.

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Step One

Stop using memeflags

Such needs are inescapable. One left bereft of them or losing faith in them will become corrupted, likely to the point of despair, left with what they are not, and nothing that they are. One who actively hungers for them will likely seek them from anywhere, or anyone, who seems capable of providing them. Those who hunger for them acutely, who feel pain by their absence, will do much to make the pain stop, the same as for physical hunger. An empty stomach or despairing heart can lead one to many atrocities.
You will notice that those who seek to push you to atrocities, or to justify their own, will often seek to deprive you of those very things with one hand and with the other promise them to you, should you only submit to them. It is warfare for your very soul, designed to gain your consent to be destroyed, or even enlisting your aid in destroying yourself or those around you.
At its core, demoralization is a perceived general loss of credibility in that which grounds our existence and guides our actions. The aspects of the self which lead one to adhering ideologically to consumerist ideology are especially vulnerable. This is because they are fundamentally dehumanizing. As such a foundation crumbles, one’s very conception of reality is shaken.

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Demoralization, the consequent feeling of being forsaken, of forlorn existential dread, is easily mistaken for simple depression. But it is deeper, and is indicative of a wounded soul.
In The Sane Society by Erich Fromm, one’s “frame of orientation” is listed as one of our vital “existential needs.” Today’s supposed “heroes,” soulless marketing ploys, actively impede fulfilment of such needs or, even worse, actively subvert them. This is especially done by providing empty solutions to the aforementioned hungers, the psychological equivalent of junk food, leaving one exhausted and unsatisfied, weary and having gained nothing.
Of course this would wear one down to a nub, leave one a burnt and hollow husk, and of course one would greedily snatch at any redemption within reach. Those living under such conditions are enduring “cultural insanity,” a pathological mismatch between the enculturation strategies of a culture and the intrapsychic needs of its constituents.
Being “normal,” “going with the flow,” etc. is literally destructive of the inner self in such a society. It is a hypnotic, relentless diminishment of critical faculties, obliteration of one’s sense of self, and transforms commercial unreality into a surrogate for meaning and purpose or else tortures the non-adherent for daring to oppose it.

In other words, the shit you are feeling is THE NATURAL RESULT OF BEING A GOOD PERSON IN AN EVIL WORLD. The solution is not to extinguish yourself, to relent, to consent to be destroyed, or any other thing so often compelled by those doing this shit. The solution is to rest when you can, fight when you should. To find times to do something other than be in the trenches all day. Read a book and drink some tea. But eventually pick your shit back up and get back to it.

Make peace with being at war, user.

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