How about that military industrial complex bros?

it really is a genocidal cult, isn't it?

Attached: Screenshot 2022-02-22 1.20.15 AM.png (1714x611, 235.29K)

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These people should be considered combatants. Drone their house while they are asleep.

>These people should be considered combatants.
way ahead of you

i am just sitting here, thunderstruck

Attached: cultofbaal.jpg (2040x2689, 2.47M)

drop the memeflag plz

>dons the most retarded nation state meme flag on the planet
>"drop the memeflag plz"

Attached: what.gif (200x200, 2M)

why did you black out the reddit names retard?

that's not nice.

drop the memeflag guy

i'm not a communist thosr


you're the one who should drop the meme flag
nation state flags are the biggest meme flags by far, and the US flag perhaps the biggest meme flag even among those

drop that meme flag niggger

says the guy donning the biggest meme flag on the planet
the state of brainwashed slave these days

Just assume Israel


thanks for the second

yeah, after posting you should clearly just "assume Israel"
it's truly sad to see how brainwashed you moronic slaves are these days
all donning the retarded nation state flags of the death cult

Just reveal your geographic location then, fellow goy

>fight for israel abroad
>his wife gets railed by jamal at home
ohhh the lannnnndd offfff the freeeeeeeee

Okay, not Israel. So Jew diaspora then. Got it.

my geographic location is Earth, retard
only braindead cult-worshipping slaves like you want to know where on Earth people are from, because you have been programmed to associate that with a given nation state
maybe take a moment to actually go through that chart and learn some basic history, you braindead moron
if anyone is donning a Jewish flag here, it's you
the US is literally a state that was founded and is run by the same death cult that started Judaism as a religion, the Pharaonic Hyksos bloodline of the Israelites originating in Sumer

This. If you check posts by country, Israel posts almost double the US. Somewhere on 4plebs.
I stopped replying to memeflags except to troll occasionally.
Memeflag = i do not care what you have to say

you are the one donning the most retarded meme flag on the planet, you brainwashed slave

Did somebody hear something?

I just thought it was funny because the way he was talking about Russia reminded me of NK propaganda

it’s just business goy
nothing personal here
every single private arm manufacturer would sell to anyone with the money if they could get away with it