Pot is totally Legal apparently

The federal government has decriminalized it! Wanna make some unwitting federal employee your drug mule? GO RIGHT AHEAD!
The USPIS will just send them a nice boiler plate letter telling them where they can pick up their fucking drugs!
Literally no one at USPIS gives a fucking shit, not about drugs and not about elections!
They only give a shit about WHISTLEBLOWERS!!!

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don't care about drugs at all

Well they should because USPS is federal and federally weed is ILLEGAL


Same with shrooms here.
You can get them shipped straight to your door from online weed dispensaries.

I gotta deal with these same pieces of fucking shit who threaten me and my fucking employees, every fucking day.
The USPIS doesn’t allow alcohol but apparently they just LOVE to encourage addicts to put postal employees in danger.
When time and time again, the same stupid assholes ship drugs to themselves and never even get a slap on the wrist.
Every fucking day I hear from these fucking scum. Every fucking day!!!

Marijuana is for losers and that's a fact. If you're not straight-edge and working out every day then you're not going to make it.

I don't think you realize this but you have until biden's presidency ends to get jacked, learn how to become atleast competant with a rifle and get right with the Lord.

Dear iCops, dear USPIS, dear USPSOIG:

Why did God leave pot all over the place if he didn’t want us to smoke it?

Suck my dick southern faggot your god and religion are a lie and your fake morals are only a consequence of your retarded little fear of hell which also doesn't exist. You are not truly a good person, just a pretender. In other words a clown.

Just calling bullshit. Why would USPS not care about weed?

Why did God leave rattlesnakes and poisonous all over the place if he didn't want us to be bitten and poisoned by them?

You recreational users are so fucking annoying.
Either use something for medicinal or spiritual purposes and stop rubbing your lack of personality/culture in other peoples' faces.

It's true, and very based. I had the cops come to my door (for calling the "crisis hotline" [because I was really pissed about the doctor not giving me antidepressants {for the chronically low seratonin I now have from aspergers+abilify injections the doctors forced me on for acting like a sperg}]the doctor didn't even explain why he wouldn't give them to me) and they know I was microdosing for my depression, they didn't even do anything.

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Because they can be used for all sorts of purposes that don't include the few harmful ones you pointed out here. Fuck your life.

Nobody is a good person you jenkum huffing retard idiot, thats literally the reason Jesus Christ died for His creation. Because the works of the old covenant are impossible to follow perfectly, how about open the bible sometime instead of revealing your low iq on a tuvanian throat singing forum.

I smoke weed to raise my spirits after work. Spiritual enough?

It’s not a matter if being readily available. Should kids be able to get booze delivered to them by the feds?
If you’re stupid enough to send a stinky box of pot through the mail, the likelihood is that you’re just as stupid to send hard drugs as well.
But apparently the numba won law enforcement agency in the country couldn't give less of a shit.
They won’t even send you a fucking BILL!!

Good to know things are going well in the field

>t. HQ

I have good reason to believe my life is infinitely better than yours but thats besides the points weedcuck. Unless all your clothes are made of hemp then stfu you hophead retard. Weed is objectively bad for people and only losers use it.

Suck my dick harder faggy waggy it's not hurting anyone or anything and I enjoy it. Get the FUCK over yourself dude, you aren't some moral high grounded person. If you don't like people that use weed then don't associate them and move on with your life. It's the same as how I don't associate with religious people because I think they are all mentally retarded retards. They don't bother me though so I just ignore them. That's what it means to be a decent person.

tell that to FPS Russia

This, it's all fun and games until they start finding excuses to arrest people.

Spiritual yes, but we were told to test the spirits. Im sure if a demon were to ask you if it could enter your body on a dmt trip that would be a pretty spiritual experience as well, no?

BAAAAAABLE READ THE BAAAAAABLE! man you fuckwads don't even realize how retarded you sound. Your religion is a complete lie.

Its a coincidence it gets us high. Cannabis evolved thc laden buds becaused its a mild natural insecticide. The plant was trying to defend itself but just became more appealing to a different predator.

They seized my seeds 3 times u retard

Go be a nigger somewhere else, you spoiled bourgeois kike lover.

to test you and see if you would idolize it instead of Him. you fail. God luck with spiritual death and misery.

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You arent even a real human being

You're both super lame

It being bad for a person is not the same as it being bad for you when other people do it. You aren't getting second hand weed smoke are you? No you aren't. Shut the FUCK UP FAGGY WAGGY AND DEAL WITH IT. You're just a trailer trash hick version of the "you vill eat ze bugs" person.

My hippie uncle has been mail ordering ounces for well over a decade.

He was openly mail ordering ounces of that miracle strain for seizures to give to his fucking dog because the dog had a brain tumor or some shit. The packages had the name of the dispensary on them.

STFU and do your fucking job, mail jannies.

I wish i could go back in time and BE the stoner that fucked this butthurt poindexters girlfriend

listen faggot, we don't have to suffer because you are a beta cuck

a schizo made this comic

The only people that say this shit are the ones with the least understanding of technology and the internet. You're really just outing yourself on how mentally deficient you are.

you raise demon spirits and push God away. repent

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Some loser on Any Forums who denies Christ and instead smokes weed regularly thinks he's in any position to deceminate truth. Dunning Kruger syndrome the post.

Meh! I don't care if that's your opinion on me. I'm having a little fun messing with these bible thumping assholes.

I tried acid once and it brought me to God. Sometimes I want to try other psychs but I see no reason for it.

yeah I order lsd & shrooms all the time, out in vancouver they have shops openly selling them. nobody gives a shit, I bet decriminalization in the decade if we don't fall apart just. this country is clownmode rn but I appreciate at least it's easy to get high.


They care enough to steal a pound and deliver an empty box

Emergency psych doctors literally diagnose you as bipolar over the stupidest shit, then they lock you in a hallway and have their lackeys bark orders at you, threaten you with injections for not listening and act surprised when people have trauma from it.
They're the worst of the worst

You probably rent or live with your parents, nigger im far from appalachia and I own my home lmao. I should pity you, but I dont.

This glows

did anybody else as a kid see the eagle silhouette as a warped, flying piece of mail and the top and bottom lines were like a jetstream?

Bro you seriously have no idea how autistic you sound when you use religious speak outside of your church communities. It could not be more hilarious or cringeworthy. It's seriously basically the same thing as listening to bronies debate which my little pony is the best my little pony in public. It's straight up cringe material and I'm really only trying to be nice in person and hold back a ton of laughter right in your face. Because at the end of the day I still want you to feel respected, regardless of what you feel towards me. But then again I'm actually a decent person, and you only pretend to be because your parents scared you with stories of hell when you were a child and you never grew up enough to think on your own and question that shit.

checkin them digits, spill the beans user, name names, blow yer whistle

Scary how most of Fr. Seraphim's predictions came true when he first spoke them in the late 80's. I read "nihilism" and "Orthodoxy and the religion of the future", I personally loved what he had to say about oneness modalist pentacostals and the way that they eventually burn out seeking after emotional high's at their places of (self) worship.

Sure I rent an apartment and no my parents are worthless I left they asses years ago and do great for myself. I don't care that you own a home, great for you buddy in happy for ya.

Genesis 1:29


Go back to swallowing mud, you fucking troglodyte.
Mostly agree, but weed should still be legal even though most people who smoke it are 80IQ trash. It has its uses.

thats not them doing it lol.

I was a staunch athiest up until my early twenties you rube, my parents did a miserable job at teaching me anything of value, so we probably have much in common.

I tried to blow the whistle, about this and election meddling.
I was then investigated.
I then called OSHA to file a complaint.
OSHA was closed, and denied my claim within a day.

its funny af because you the one sounding like a fake christian being holier-than-thou kek. passive aggressive. its the cannabis
>inb4 not a pothead, i breed it.

we call him St Seraphim now. even though he's not officially canonized.

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Dunning-Kruger Hand Denies Christ. Where is your God now, Yugi-Boy

What the fuck does swallowing mud even mean? Is that an actual thing I'm supposed to understand or did you just try and fail miserably to come up with something mildly insulting and that's just what splurged out of your autistic mouth fingers? The fuck, swallowing mud, I have no idea how that's supposed to be offensive. It's like saying go back to eating bricks... There's no context and it's not a meme so it doesn't make any sense. Thus you are autistic.

Boomers didn't make great parents. My dad took the family hostage after an episode of meth induced psychosis, parents divorced because he spent all his time and money on restoring classis cars. Don't speak to either of them and havent in years.

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Since then I’ve had a whole convoy of assholes visit my office to investigate me and my employees. While at the same time doing nothing, absolutely fucking nothing about the most basic of federal crimes!

I know that, that's why I called him Fr.

Don't want to end up in the shadow realm, already live in one on earth on account of my many sins.