Why can’t you breathe in something that saves your life?

But yet you can breathe that spreads hateā€¦

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Hating niggers is worth putting up with a mild inconvenience. Saving geriatic invalids and the morbidly obese isn't.

Sneed's Feed & Seed (formerly Chuck's). Also, "Bart's Fart & Shart" doesn't make any sense because the store wasn't called "Feed & Sheed" under Sneed's ownership so stop posting it.

Your making health political again. Stop it.

Hate is natural law faggot
People are not supposed to blend into gray faggot goop

For the record, the Klan, atleast in the South, was all Democrats, to a man. Know your fucking history before pinning this on the GOP.

My body, my choice.
Checkmate, bigot!

I smoke 3 packs a day so i cant breathe in either, and no, im never quitting you Demolition Man pissant, now open wide, i have an omicron-saturated loogie to yeet straight down your gullet, piece of homo shit.

LMAO saved, this is another level of retarded, thanks for the hearty keks

The kkk is a jewish masonic organization
K=11th letter so K(x3)=33
Also all the klan terminology is weird faggy Scottish rite stuff

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The new hoods use bamboo fiber for a lighter, more breathable material.

This ignores the fact that Bart is in fact an archetypal rebel more than willing to break past naming conventions simply for a poop joke. If Bart was to take a controlling interest in the Feed and Seed, it would almost certainly become the Fart and Shart.

>everything I don't like is white supremacy
I fucking hate facebook boomers

Masks are contaminated with morgellons. You can see this with your phone camera and they wiggle when you exhale in them We get sprayed enough with nanos as is. Have fun with your skin crawling at night. There's your answer to why you itch at night like something is moving under your skin. That's because there is something moving below the surface.

OP unironically thinks the KKK was republican. What a fucking retard.

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Whoever made that managed to fuse a conservatard meme with a lefty one, congrats, faget

The Democratic KKK

>dems r de real raycis!
Stop playing their games. They don't care about hypocrisy, no matter how many times you call them out.

My triple k mafia hood has vents. They are called eye holes, plus the my hood is not tight to my face. Dumb faggot.


Never wore a mask, never socially distanced, never got the vax , never got sick. Cope.

They're totally right, klansmen were very considerate people!!