Turns out even ANTS are more free than us

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They can afford it because the queen ant doesn't ship in centipedes and call the drones racist carpenter supremacists

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Doesn’t matter. They’re all still slaves working for the Queen Jew

Price's Law

Other things ants deal with
>fungus zombies
>xenomorph parasatoid wasps infiltrating their nurseries
>floods that to scale would be a million times more deadly than Katrina
>artsy-type God beings pouring molten aluminum into their hive
>almost always in total war with at least one other ant faction who aren't even the same species and have no way to reconcile their differences peacefully
>less artsy God beings using neurotoxins to holocaust them
Maybe being an ant isn't so based

Do you want to live in a dark hole in the ground and eat rotting plant matter? Then sure live like an ant. No one's stopping you.

Well if slavery was legal like it is for ants, we wouldnt have to work nearly as hard either

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Ants can't mate

Fulfill your role

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They have advantage of small scale. Small scale means that chemical bonds are significantly stronger when you compare weight to performance ratio. It would be like if our bones were made out of Titanium and our muscles were strong enough to bench a bus

Damn video games are to blame

the queen ant is the owner
the non working ants are the managers
the working ant are the laborers.

but do they have sex?

Seems nog-tier

That 80-20 rule thing

as a small demi-God i would introduce one colony of fire ants to other by leaving crushed up candy that would lead them directly to one another and watch them begin giant wars

also magnifying glass

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They are all female

99,9 of all ants are lesser females and never have sex. All the 0,01% of male ants however exist only to have sex with the queen.

They're swarm animals, they draw their intelligence from swarm intelligence, you're just seeing their statistical threshold for biological success.
They aren't free, they're unconscious automatons.

yeah fuck being a femcel

Sneed's Feed & Seed (formerly Chuck's). Also, "Bart's Fart & Shart" doesn't make any sense because the store wasn't called "Feed & Sheed" under Sneed's ownership so stop posting it.