If I say I'm in the Klan, will they let me out of Jury Duty?

What if I'm lying?

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Just say you're a top poster on Any Forums

All you have to do is not answer and not go.

why would you try to get out of it?
it's a once in a lifetime opportunity to troll with no repercussions

jury nullification is a thing, just play the game and look neutral and then judge purely on political lines

I can't because I'm too busy nuff said I'm a fucking scientist

Won't they fine me though?

I will be sure to say I hate white people too, especially the ones in court rooms

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I never got this jury duty thing, do they invite random people to judge people in court? Shouldn't there be qualified people to do it and why is there a compulsion, that's literally facism

Just tell them you know about Jury Nullification

They consider hiring professional jurors fascism, and yes they do select random people to do it. Jury duty is considered a powerful means for the people to have control of the system because the jury is supposedly of the accused's peers. I don't hate this part of the system especially (despite hating all of it), but I simply don't have the time to be bullshitting with some retards in court right now.

Was planning to.

>dear fgt, I unironically don't agree with 99% of your laws
>So, I am unironically 99% likely to jury veto

I got jury duty last fall. They emailed me and said due to FAGID-19 the juries are going to be shut down until January and everyone will be counted as having served their jury duty.

Yeah, put yourself on a list of willing scapegoats for the justice system that is always looking for white scapegoats to throw in jail for unsolved crimes.

What a retard.

You know what you should do? You should go to jury selection and fill out that form they give you, answer every question with, "Black Lives Matter."

The judge (an expert) can rule not guilty even if jury convicts/says guilty. But BOTH the judge and jury need to agree to convict someone.
So yes, there's still an expert person involved, just with a touch of democracy where by unanimous vote the jury can set a man free regardless of what the judge says. This is good, and better than giving the judge or """"experts"""" the final say in sending a man to prison.

I tossed my jury duty papers in the bin 5 years ago, still no followup desu

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Proclaim jury nullification

Just tell them you believe your moral code supersedes their laws.

doesn't matter if you're lying, they'll probably get rid of you just for saying that.

They send out let's say, 6,000 numbered letters to random citizens. The letter tells you to call a number next month. When you call it, it tells you whether your number is one that has to report in. For 6,000 people, maybe 2,000 will have to show up. When you show up at court, they give you an orientation meeting and you fill out a questionnaire. Based on your answers, the lawyers can choose to keep or dismiss you. Most people get dismissed.

The lawyers are looking for certain people from certain backgrounds. If the defendant is a young black male, the defense lawyer should try to stack the jury with blacks and women, and dismiss white men. If the defendant is a pretty young women, then you want to stack the jury with horny men and dismiss jealous women.

The whole point of jury trials is that they should be neutral and disinterested in the case, and you don't want professional jurors because then they would be just one more corrupt extension of the justice system.

Look up jury nullification, the jury is supposed to be a check and balance against judicial corruption and sleazy, duplicitous lawyers, and even sleazier, but less intelligent, cops. When you are a defendant, nobody is on your side, but at the very least, the jury is neither for you nor against you, and their only interest is in protecting their own community, not only from criminals, but from corrupt courts that, if the court railroads you, then it might railroad them or their loved ones next.

It's an ingenious system, but like all systems, it's only as effective as the people who make it up. Nowadays it's a complete joke because the people selected for it are ignorant, arrogant, and greedy, with no concept of truth, justice, or the "American Way." All those higher ideals are dead and gone.

This will be done. I'll say what I believe in matters more than law.

I am a rare exception because I am always inherently on the defendant's side, unless the defendant is a Jew or has face tattoos. Or if they're like a faggot R*dditor idk

The judge will ask you why he never saw you at any of the meetings. What's your answer then?

Or just state that you believe in jury nullification and you'll be dismissed.

You'll get out of jury duty but bet your ass you will then be watch for the rest of your life.

"I was wearing a hat"

Just keep asking if the lawyers involved are jewish

Honestly this. Save a white man, fuck with the system, lock up a minority. All good options.

Just say the prosecutor looks familiar and that you think you met him at a bathhouse

Try saying" Look, I'm a faggot okay, but I don't suck nigger dick. Only chinks." It worked for me. They sent me right home, have never been called back.