China is already as rich as the USA + Japan + Germany combined

>China is already as rich as the USA + Japan + Germany combined

And the difference is going to grow more and more each year.

Before you blame PPP, read about the Big Mac Index and how the Yuan is undervalued by 34%. Your accounts of the Chinese GDP are undervalued by 34% (even in the undervalued accounts the Chinese will surpass the US in a couple of years).

Once the petrodollar is overcomed by the pretroyuan, the US economy will collapse. This is going to happen before 2030 at this rate.
The implication is that 30% of the economy of the US will be erased, wiped out in the span of a couple years.

By then, the Chinese economy will double the American one. This in less than 10 years.

>Don't believe me?
>Some other data: 10 years ago there were almost no subway lanes in China. London was the number 1 subway system in the world.
TODAY 10 Chinese cities have subways larger than London's, and the top ones are bigger than NYC's+London combined... and still growing non-stop.

You are not ready for what's coming.

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Other urls found in this thread:

How do i get ready?

>1 Yuan has been deposited to your account

kinda based ngl

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>How do i get ready?

This is a pro American, anti Chinese source estimation.
Reality will be much harsher.

It depends on how the American populace will take their own depauperization. Will they take it peacefully? Then fine. Will there be riots once people are 30% poorer overnight? Then you should worry. Racial tensions, riots, violence.

Stay safe.

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china keeps the yuan value pegged where it is on purpose
they could increase its value vs the dollar if they wanted to at any time

Me and the boys rolling into the latinx neighborhood after the economy collapses.

Considering how India isn't cooking their books as much as China. I think India is on track to become the actual new world super power, unironically.

you should visit both countries to get a glimpse on the differences.

We better start learning chinese

Not every part of China is Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, etc., 96% of China really isn't that dissimilar to most of India...

>poor people points

I would rather live in Tibet(China's poorest part) than any city in India

Does this mean the Yuan is will appreciate 34% in the future?

Can the Yuan ever be on par with the USD in terms of value? like a 1:1 valuation with the USD?

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Tibet is its own country. It's not part of China.

Not according to the rest of the world, even south China aka taiwan knows Tibet is not a country

If China was rich then it wouldn’t have 600 million chinks that make less than 140 dollars a month. China wouldn’t be such a shithole with manlets drinking gutter oil. Fuck those tranny loving kikes.

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dude, spain italy and greece are each per capita richer than germany we are dirtpoor for our IQ and position in europe, because jews plunder us for the past 100 years,

I've met quite a few Germans in my life, I didn't find any of you particularly brilliant. Just really good automatons and good at following orders.

I think Spanish and Italians have more "life-spark" than Germans. But because of it there is less organisations; but without them there will be no soul to Europe.

>I think Spanish and Italians have more "life-spark" than Germans. But because of it there is less organisations; but without them there will be no soul to Europe.
You sound like those niggers claiming America without diversity that bring "life-spark", then it would have no soul