
what the fuck are yanks doing

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Super based. Holy fuck I love Jewtin now.

amerifaggots btfo without a shot fired


we're not in control of our government
but it's not like the un matters anyway

Wish US representative just sperg out and said "we don't care about white people problems, black lives matter"

i listened to her. just endless posturing and threatening sanctions. the stream is ongoing right now. currently russia is talking:


wtf I love Putin now

Time to rebuild the great east African Cushitic empire! WOOHOO!

I truly do despise the abc, selectively ignores stories, or simply forgets to include aspects around a ‘story’ which paint it more neutrally

Put in confirmed for Age of Empires player

Big box retailers got their $
Pharma got their $
Now it's defense contractors' turn

death to burgers

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why he rambles about vaccines?

imagine being so empire you post empire

it's symbolic. he's calling russia a virus

Our leaders have nothing to do with us, rule by decree and profit from creating conflict. We are all in danger, it is evil itself.

>Time of empires

TERRA......... IMPERIUM...
TERRA......... IMPERIUM...

muh sanctions. muh sanction. you gonna get muh sanctions.

we wuz empires n shieet

The clown car is now skittering off the road

why does the US sent a monkey to the UN?

What if we offered incentives instead of sanctions?

that woman's vagina is a clown car

>invade Afghanistan
>steal their money after withdrawing in disgrace
>Invade Iraq
>refuse to leave
>murder Gaddafi
>steal his gold
>steal venezuelan gold
>recognize Israeli annexation of Golan
>bankroll West Bank colonization
>back illegal coup in Ukraine
RuSiA iS dEsTrOyInG mUh rUlEs BaSeD oRdER

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Did she clap as she said each word?

sanctions is all the west has
i am probably not old enough to remember the EU or its "allies" not giving itself the authority to sanction Russia for whatever

>age of empire theme starts playing
And now i will install it again

Multipolar world when

pulled the same shit in haiti with the duvaliers
and sudan
and half of central america
i would say the list is endless but there's a finite amount of countries
fuck this whore and everyone there with her

i'm tired, this was for you

when has it ever not been the 'time of empires'?

that's our fuckin US ambassador?? Kek Rome is falling 2/22/22

What seems to be the problem, aussie? I thought you would appreciate invading foreign land.

Except it's not foreign

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what's with the texas one?

America and the 19th century. I know, the oldest example, but still works.

Check this out

>our people live there, they wanna be with us!

"Only my country is allowed to do that" - brits, kebabs, burgers etc.