What are your plans for avoiding the draft anons?

What are your plans for avoiding the draft anons?

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federal prison

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rubbing myself in my own shit to claim mental illness

Good bye zoomers .

by not being a zoomie lol

nothing, they can’t force me. if i’m jailed then fine. but i’m not sure if i’m even able to be drafted.

They have senr prisoners to war...
Dude, they let people who cut their dicks off in...what makes you think they're going to give a shit then...

Sexually assault anyone that comes for me.

Not answering the phone or door.

gonna pretend I died in 1986

Just don't be vaccinated. The military already said they won't accept the unvaccinated.

They all looks like psychopaths

Fleeing to Mexico lol fuck whitey

All you need to do it say you have bone spurs, it clearly worked for Blumpf

Easy, Just shoot the fed who comes to your door. this leaves them with two options. That way they end up being down several potential soldiers.

I'll Die, the Feds who come to take me die, and they are weaker because of it. Not the greatest plan but it will work. The next house they feds go to they'll have to pull more people and eventually they will stop coming.

Didn't the approve women for the draft? End to US economy soon.

there isnt and never will be a draft. a voluntary military is 1000x more effective than drafted cannon fodder. After the vietnam war protests and ensuing years of militia terrorism, the government would NEVER reinstitute a draft because the long term consequences of enemies of the state recieving top tier training and hands on experience will never be worth it.

They dangle the threat of a draft over your head to make you scared, to get you stressed out, and to coherece you into agreeing with their policies and plans. After all, if you dont protest the war or criticize their illegal actions, maybe they will just leave you alone and not 'draft' you, right? It's a fucking meme. Stop believing it.

Just legally identify as women for the duration of the war. I don't think they draft women yet.

Be too old.

I would wash out of pronoun boot camp.

The next draft 100% will include "birth givers".

By being blind in one eye, 80% deaf, crippled in my left leg, a year over the draft age (assuming it's not raised), and about 30 pounds over their standards.

Hurt like hell when the tree fell on me, but hurts a lot less than fighting in another brother war.

My IRR expired already

>when a majority of your male young adult population is to mentally ill and weak to be draftable

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fucking kek

Im 74 years oldnigger

I will roll in the floor while shitting my pants and asking for mommy milkies

Hey So basically I'm just gonna not go to the draft I Know..... UGH I know... It's just that I'm not gonna go is all HAHAHAHAHRHAHAHA HARAHARHARH.

Say that you are pregnant. Men can be pregnant too according to U.S. HAMBURGER EAGLE STAR CONSTITUTION

>In most cases, including cis-men who have sex with men, male pregnancy is not possible.

Yes, but not in ALL cases.


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This, call them bigots and they will stop bothering you

My plan is to accept the draft, unwillingly get shifted to Russia, and immediately kill the highest ranking commander I can find on 'our side'. I am a threat to society and none of my posts are satire, I recommend everyone follow my example.

Yep. I'm too autistic to even serve. I tried. Plus after the December 2021 MEPS changes it's going to get even worse.

I'm already a honorably discharged Iraq/Afg vet. I am legally exempt from the draft.

I’m a 38 year old machinist who makes brakes for fighter jets, I’m not going anywhere.

I'm a pureblood.

I am basically crippled. I mock zoomies, especially women, from my wheelchair.

Why would I dodge it

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