Explain it to me like I'm 5. Why is this nigga invading Ukraine?

Explain it to me like I'm 5. Why is this nigga invading Ukraine?

Attached: Screen Shot 2022-01-22 at 4.42.56 PM.png (2394x1056, 1.58M)

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What’s with all the western propaganda in this board? There’s no war in Ukraine, Russia just sent a peace keeping force to two independent pro Russian states who requested help to protect Russians and Ukrainians from the corrupt Ukrainian Nationalist government who is trying to genocide it’s citizens. There’s no invasion and all the warmongering is from the west.

hola Vlad

Basically Ukraine wants to join the UN, but russia don't want that.

Why do people keep saying this? Ukraine nor NATO mentioned them joining and everyone knew Russia would invade if that happened.


>putin believes ukraine is fake, just another part of russia
>the ethnic russian minority in eastern ukraine agrees
>said minorities took over the region of donbass a few yrs ago
>"well if you're already there, might as well...."

He's not. The same people peddling you that Russia was involved in collusion with Trump are now telling you that Russia/Putin are bad.

Fact is, they're all part of the brotherhood who need a reason to reduce carbon emissions. You are that carbon and they need body parts, andechrome, and ways to your children.

This. UN are a bunch of anti-white pedophiles

Ukraine belongs to Russia

He has domestic political problems. This is just a distraction and a ploy to appeal to Russian nationalism stay in power for life.

Because it's really just more Russia.

Putin doesn't want to let Russians know how shitty they really have it. If he can make the surrounding countries an even an bigger shithole the Russians will feel better about themselves. So obviously Putin does not want the west to help develop their country. If they did it would destabilize Russia.

He’s just helping some fledgling states throw off the yoke of their western oppressors.


Thank for the input Ivan.

In 2014 Crimea and two other Russian majority pieces of Ukraine (which historically, aren't part of Ukraine and were gifted only in the 1920's) declared independence from Ukraine. Crimeas successfully left, but the other two stayed as semi autonomous regions.

As Ukraine got closer to the West, the Ukrainian government and unaffiliated Ukrainian groups did the same thing as 2014 and started killing/oppression ethnic Russians in Eastern Ukraine.



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The West coup'd Ukraine in 2014 to take it from Russia's sphere, but half the country is practically Russian.

>Ukraine wants to join the EU
>EU tells Ukraine they can't join unless they're part of NATO
>Ukraine starts the process of joining NATO
>Russia flips shit because one of the requirements of joining NATO is allowing NATO to house USA nukes in your country
>NATO's only purpose was to fight the soviets.
>The soviets are long dead.
>America and the EU both signed treaties to ban the expansion of NATO back in the late 1990s.
>Both America and the EU are now in violation of this treaty.
>Russia rightfully steps up calling both America and the EU out on their bullshit and doesn't want nukes on their border pointed at them. Its their version of the Cuban Missile crisis.

America is legitimately the bad guy.

There is no war in Ba Sing Se.

The WEF scripted this event

DAE condemn Putin for recognizing breakaway regions?

Based Appa poster

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america wants to put nukes so close that russian nuke defenses don't work and their puppet government in the ukraine lets them. this is obviously as unacceptable to russia as soviet nukes in cuba were to the usa

There's no "working it out" in this case. Either Ukraine will be a Russian satellite or it will be a prolonged battleground until such time as all the Ukrainian fighters are killed or the Russians fuck off. And they can't fuck off because of the strategic threat a west-aligned border state poses. We are not post-history, where you issue some UN resolutions and it makes state actors change their calculus about fight or die policy positions. Russia has to fight this fight to keep missiles from making it not exist. Ukraine has to fight this fight to keep Russia from making it not exist. Same as it ever was.

Russia's dying demography is precisely why they have to act now in order to get these land grabs. If they can secure these border regions, if they can reduce how much border territory they can't anchor in geographic features, if they can keep missile sites far enough away to be intercepted, then they don't need to have a giant USSR army to protect themselves as they turn inward. They set themselves up to be the big fish in their part of the world, and sit on a pile of nukes if the bigger players try to grab their clay.

And make no mistake, NATO is a threat to them. An anti-soviet "defensive" alliance that exists 30 years after the USSR died? Remember, in 1992 nothing east of the middle of Germany was NATO, now everything up to Belarus, Finland, and Ukraine is in the club. The US may well find an ally in Russia once it settles into its defensive posture and gets its conquering done. Its only threat will be China looking to seize land and resources in Siberia. Don't think they're friends as much as they are both constrained by US led alliances; the Sino-Soviet war was terminated with the understanding that the next incursion would be ended with nuclear force. With the US no longer a threat with buffer regions secured, Moscow is going to be very aware of why it keeps so many troops in the east.

Attached: Most Balkans pic I've got.jpg (2048x1366, 479.73K)

He's not.