Rapid COVID testing REQUIRED for mating rituals

You will swab the nose or you won’t get laid, this is by decree of the new world order.

Attached: 4DE87837-9064-407A-B5D8-5E42B618D732.jpg (1007x1200, 156.08K)

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jokes on you, i wouldn't get laid even with the jab


Attached: MorganFreeman (1).jpg (3500x2280, 1.34M)

Of course it’s interracial, why wouldn’t it be?

I'm saving myself for marriage. Women have tried to have sex with me and I didn't allow it. True story.

>White woman & Black Male
They keep fucking doing it

Attached: 964.gif (480x480, 1.6M)

What a disgusting picture. Time to rape more Chinese women.

What is this disgusting art style? It's worse than that flat shit

this but unironically

To be fair she looks like she has tats

wtf the globohomo artist literally put echoes on the faces

Better stick that swab in his pee hole if that pic is accurate for the situation, he is 50% or more likely to have an STD than his white counterparts

something about far left commies always makes them draw people in the same way. It's good for us because it lets us spot them more easily

>Artist: here is my art!
>Boss: are you sure that it will sell interracial relationships?
>Artist: what the fuck

That’s even worse. Punishment for them should be your tats get skinned from your body. If you bleed out, you were far too gone to save anyway. If you have a little toe tattoo or something, you live, but you need to reform yourself.

Guaranteed, with that hair color


yeah right, I don't even use a condom

He’s right, you know.

Oh no, my life will stay the same, whatever will I do?

Attached: 8581940.jpg (400x400, 29.86K)

33 year old meth addict and a homosexual nigger in a bezos add. Cant say I'm surprised.

Girls can just put a mask on me, if you know what I mean.

I gave in and I regret it now, find Jesus y'all