Explain how our society is supposedly progressing forward?

Data shows extreme regression for 50+ years now.


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Progressing into Communism...Data is correct.

By literally every metric, it clearly is not.

These are real prices. We are going backwards on everything somehow? It's not even being absorbed into profits. We are just somehow getting shittier at making super basic stuff.

Roof Shingles

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Do glass.

Up. How does it go up? Technology has done nothing for us.

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Preaching to the choir, buddy. More every day I want any technology beyond a walking stick banned.

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inflation numbers are fake tho

Depends what you mean by "progress" or "progressing." That's the thing, the word is so nebulous, it could describe almost anything.

Anti-tech subhumans are worse than an animal. An animal is too stupid to progress or regress, it's not it's fault. You're so stupid you want LESS than you have, actively advocating for things that would just destroy your standard of living.

Just kill yourself. Don't annoy normal people.

There is literally less wrong with animals than humans (who are demons). Humans are literally sub-animal.

It's called a monopoly. When Reagan, Bush and Clinton deregulated everything they also deregulated pricing controls because that was communist. You get the world you deserve, and the world we have is one where 95% of everything is owned by and owed to the investor class who controls all production globally.

Communism tried to stop this but people opposed it so now your pathetic, trivial nations will be crushed by the global capital machine as industry is consolidated to several special sites and the rest of the world enslaved by debt.

It's hasn't, haven't you figured it out yet that language is used to deceive.
We have "progressive" politics, everything critical of it is "nazi/fascist/alt-right". "fact checkers" to discredit criticism of MSM, "fake news" was used as criticism of MSM, so it was just coopter to dismiss criticism along with "misinformation". Other terms such as "the right side of history", "antivaxxers", "conspiracy theorists". Anyone anti immigration is "racist", infact "racist" is used extensively to distract from real issues along with "misogynist".

All this language is designed to unquestionly agree with what you are told, and dismiss without consideration any criticism. The sad thing is just how many people fall for it.

It makes more sense when you realize labor participation rates are back down to when families only had one working partner.
Then you have places like African that grow exponentially in population yet continue to produce almost nothing and are given goods out of your labor.
Even though now everyone lives alone, they consume the resources or an entire family, meanwhile less and less people are being asked to make more and more goods for everyone every year while the government through tripe and quadruple taxation on everything effectively siphon off 70-80% in taxes to subsidize the non-producers they import and pay for abroad.

Compared to a hundred years ago, you are not just producing for your family, you are producing for all of them to have a different shelter paid for by you from the government, while also paying for several other families abroad.

Cry more about trying. National socialism ACTUALLY stopped it. Juden raus, kikel

Thats the point though. There's never any real thought or discussion about what we are "progressing" towards beyond vague idealistic platitudes, and certainly no specifics about doing X will get us from A to B

interdasting. higher education prices seemed to start going up significantly in the late 90's, continuing to outpace "inflation" for some time including tuition (including fees), and course materials (textbooks). the prices increased as enrollments (number of students) was skyrocketing also.do you see this not happening in any industries or goods that you are looking at besides grocery store necessities?

Right, so you're a miserable failure of life so utterly demented you hate yourself and your own species. Here's the thing about nature, pathetic failures like you don't last long in it. These laws still apply in society today. So do your species a favor and slit your veins.

>All this self-righteous bullshit
Get dead, simian.

Step outside one day, a lot of humans out there. Tell them these things to their face. And watch our species correct the error which was your birth.

And if you decide to kill yourself, upload it, watching it will bring more joy to people than your sad, self-hating life ever could.