This Is the antifa Who got killed

Please Say something nice about Xer

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>corker, feeder and mom
Dear God

HAHAHAHHAAHAHA FUCK YOU LEFTISTS. same fate awaits every last one of you.


Breaking news: CNN has Just released the cause of death COVID

What happened?

Now extinct. Sneeder, Feeder, and mom.

Now he can play with his two friends

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Was she hot?

>Fuck Rittenhouse
God, this is golden. May the landwhale corpse be used to feed Africa.

Thats a man

Burning in hell RIGHT now

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She found out


What does all of that mean?

I hadn't heard about any of this, let me see if I have this right
>nigger kills another nigger
>cops raid niggers house
>cops kill niggers cousin
>cops arrest the nigger they were looking for
>people protest
>someone kills a protester and shoots five more
Am I missing anything? Sounds like four fewer niggers and five more might think twice before chimping out again.

Isn't there a motorcycle club involved too?

I think you need to be on heroin to know for sure.

what does corker and feeder mean?

its some gay shit about providing supplies

>fuck rittenhouse
Hahaha. She’s been legit ritten’d

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Oh, ok, I mean, I know what a "feeder" is, a sexual fetish. But I'd never heard of a "corker".

sounds like a way to try to take the shame out of being a frumpy wino

needs a warning

This reads like that shit they'd write for the pedo and the wife beater, bet this thing also has some dirt.

Source’s say her last words were “I should have gotten that damn vaccine”

Oh well, another Herman Cain award. Get vaxxed folks, this is easily preventable.