Literally Hitler

Literally Hitler.

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I hope putin nukes america

>suddenly vaush loves rights

we should surely hope so
also this, we deserve it

These people have given up all loylity to their race and culture, because they were told to. Now they seethe, because someone dares to show them that it is poossible to stand tall.

It's the same reason they seethed at anti-vaxxers. They are just weak.

Where in America tho? Not based flu over bros right ?

Do you think I care what opinions a fed has? This nigger should be shot in the spine

Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot would literally throw this fat fuck glownigger into a gulag at best lmao.

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>devil worshiping autistic tranny

threadly reminder that this guy vaush is pic related, look at that enormous fat goblin he's porking. dont take life advice from men who cant accomplish more than this

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i tuned into this fat manlets channel for 5 seconds today and immediately someone asked him about Kosovo and he had no idea that war ever existed. Zero knowledge of it - he lasted like 90 seconds total i think - exactly as dumb as i expected him to be

Now he cares about Constitutional rights?

One Piece movie budget cray cray


It was a pretty cool line

No, he love Putin and his Jewish masters.

Why so we nuke Russia and China in return? No one on the planet wins that war.



Putins speech is almost identical to Hitlers speech about Czechoslovakia. It is scary actually.

OP tongues my anus
>verification not required