Can we get the orange part, please ?

Can we get the orange part, please ?

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Why was rusynia given over anyways

Sure, why not? Invite Slovakia, Poland and Romania to join the party of carving up western Ukraine.

No. They would speak ukrainian in 3 generations btw. There is nothing you can do about it.


and you will be speaking Russian in like 3 months

Im in

Ukraine? Never heard of it.


He always speaks it at home, where no one is watching him. The real Ukrainian in this country knew literally 15-25%
We would be glad of that. I am sure that our country will not take anything further than Kiev

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Rusyn is very close to Ukrainian and they don't have much of their own identity yet. Maybe someday a great power will decide a Rusyn state might be useful

What are you even going to do with it?

Not gonna lie, I am a bit envious of you that you have actual clay you can take and neatly divide among yourselves. All we have is the fucking North Sea to polder into submission.

You can suck my dick. We are not brothers anymore

sure buddy why not

Oh of course we can do, just fucking retake the land when Putin invades.

>"Then, both before and after the Great Patriotic War, Stalin incorporated in the USSR and transferred to Ukraine some lands that previously belonged to Poland, Romania and Hungary."

it's all your my friend :)

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nigga , you already lost Crimea , Donetsk and luhansk. You literally lost the most land in Europe in the past 100 years

Can we get the green part please?

Based Slavs, fuck Ukraine. Not even a real country.

Seems reasonable but you're gonna also be responsible for helping those >80% Ukrainian areas to relocate (the singular groups in the orange mind you not the big blue blob).

Yes, but you will have to take it yourself. Nobody cares so go ahead.

Just take it, lad. Who's gonna stop you?

Fill it with your wasted digits.

Not even you speak Ukranian.

We should split it up Magyarbros. Beregovo and Čop to you, the rest we can sit at a nice round table and discuss

You forgetting about Germany and Austria?

Western Ukraine is it's own identity, called Ruthenes, descended from the medieval Galicia and Lodomeria. The rest east of it are just Malorussians, a break away identity of the 3 Russias state. Hence why they are more similiar to Russians than in the west.

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Ruthenians on the civilized side of the Carpathians are Rusyns, with their own distinct language, culture and history. And they belong under Hungary or Slovakia.

I'll allow it

Why not just make them independent? Could maybe transform itself into an eastern European Luxembourg