Can women be firemen?

can women be firemen?

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If she can squat and deadlift over 250 lbs.

No. They can't be CEOs, soldiers, engineers, or professors either.

No only firewomen.


They are called firepersons. Not firemen. You sexist pig.

No it's in the name. They are firewomen


Why not just be the whole firetruck?

Fireman here.
Was getting a bit salty watching my female coworker struggle on our mid sized chainsaw yesterday when I had other jobs to do.
She makes nice pancakes though.

They only really want the top spot fire chief

Women actually were fireman in WWII when cities were being bombed and all the able bodies males were drafted. Apparently some of them can actually pull it off.
I can tolerate it if they pass the exact same physical standards the men have to

fuck the breakfast. kick her in the goose, bruce

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no it takes away too from more cushy
jobs from aging firefighters like driving the vehicles
it is selfish without honor and narcissitic to work
as firefighter for a woman

any woman who even attempts it is a malicious child

if you go for intellectual jobs which give your resources
that might be selfish overall but still morally justifyable by me,
to work as firefighter is just being an asshole

and to people who say same standards, yeah no that will never work

sure, there are lots of shit women could do besides carrying people/equipment or driving.
Like for example, somebody needs to answer the phone.

They lose menses keeping up with the men in happening situation.

don't you think there could be some issues with decisiveness and courage in action?
squat, bench, dead?

Can most firefighters do this? Srs question.
I don't want to be a firefighter and don't think women should be.
But I can definitely deadlift 250lb for 3 sets of 5.
Squat...a little more than 200lb for the same. One Rep max is 220.

What would you be benchpressing in a fire? OHP is a little more useful here, I think. Benchpress is for musclebros who only train chest.

She can larp as one and waste resources and get people killed

firemen cheerleader at best

Know a chick (lesbian) who was a firefighter. Her dad and uncle were, as well. She was good (frmr pro athletes), but some really fucked up stuff happened during a call and she ended up mentally fucked. Physical might be less of a problem than emotional resiliency.

>Can most firefighters do this? Srs question.

Women are equal and can do anything a man can do. Get over it.

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>Can most firefighters do this? Srs question.
lol yes the male ones can, they sit around all day eating and working out

Gotcha. Is it a physical standard?