What do NazBols believe?

What is your position on:

Attached: c21e9f48548ebb313.png (1200x800, 40.75K)

Jews invented Bolshevism so whatever it is it can't be good.

I'm gay


>What do NazBols believe?
Jewish thoughts.

They're NatSocs at heart without the courage to admit so...

Get a rope and hang yourself, /leftypol/.


Attached: 8C73A3D9-0108-4691-9CBF-22FC9898DB78.jpg (1204x1598, 210.94K)

Okay chang

This, but unironically.

You're a jew who wants to gas jews?

Nothing because its a memeflag larp.


also first time i agree with this flag
so start with yourself
have a last inside barbeque, put out the fire and close the windows
be the change you wanna see

step in with me brother

No they’re not. They’re just NatSocs who also want Soviet economics.

>What do NazBols believe?
Fucking in the ass while wearing a red army uniform, if you want a merge between communism and fascism that isn't gay and kiked af go with strasserism.

Attached: strasserism.png (900x600, 26.83K)

Gross, homosexuality should be outlawed
Is a buzzword, just say race
Line up against the wall
Should be outlawed and have their money forcibly confiscated by the state

Oh and fuck niggers and nonwhites

Strasserism isn’t communism. It’s more like a kind of utopian Christian socialism mixed in with distributism and syndicalism that wants a nationalistic state. It’s also not racist or even anti-Jewish (at least in the racial sense)


nazbols hate gays but love multiculturalism, literally believe Russia is a "Eurasian nation" and encourage interbreeding between Slavs and Turks

I think that’s more what Duginists want