Where do you want to fight when WW3 kicks off Any Forums?

Where do you want to fight when WW3 kicks off Any Forums?

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European front of course, it will be nice to loot all of Putins palaces then drag him from his bunker and end him like Gaddafi

The only thing I'll be fighting are laughing fits when I watch zogbots die on my computer screen

Attached: Comfyapustaja.png (1063x683, 349.98K)

Two weeks might last much longer than we think.

Europe and Taiwan would be kino.

Please no Middle East, we had enough sand wars for several decades.

As a proud owner of Made in Taiwan electronics, the choice is clear


Fuck, no. Take it back.

Middle East. The only place with actual bad guys (Idlib terrorists) that deserve to be brutally killed.

Allah, Syria, Bashar!

Allahu ackbar

>Where do you want to fight
right now, mostly in imperial city. shit is nonstop war right now. mobs of reds, blues, and yellows running the streets laying waste to each other with literal fucking monsters as well. yeah, that's where i am.

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i dont like heat


I mean i like the old Cold War books like Red Storm Rising and Team Yankee and I'd like to be a tanker so European front sounds appealing but at the same time the modern Russians aren't the real enemy

So probably Taiwan or Korea or SE Asia, burning communist bugmen sounds fun and they aren't remotely white so no guilt there

KeK be praised ! I want 3 korean monkey comfort women please.

Attached: comfort woman.jpg (600x400, 36.9K)


Anywhere that might put me to rest



i'm already in the middle east

>hunting U-Blyats

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I'm okay with this


Punching you in your cocksucker, kike.


May the rng gods decide.

The only group I'm willing to fight is my own government.

Nearest synagogue, make holocaust real ag... for the first time.



Who are the bad guys exactly?