What personal actions are you taking to subvert the globohomo?

What personal actions are you taking to subvert the globohomo?

Be me
> Found a virgin gf in hs
> Married her
> Converted her to my values
> Had two children with her, a boy and a girl.
> She homeschools our children
> She takes care of the house

I run a business
> Only hire white men with families and similar values.
> Go to gym 4 days a week with my son
> Practice combat sports 2 days a week with my son.
> Firearms training once a week with my son at a gun club.
> Paying a private tutor to teach my son German.
> I've taught him natsoc ideology, Iv'e let him listen to Hitler's speeches, which he understands due to German lessons.
> Kids don't watch Jewtube or Disney trash, only read, play board games, or commit themselves to hobbies.

Sieg Heil.

Attached: 1644204439614.jpg (1024x1017, 73.64K)

In your head you do this.

I deleted TikTok about six months ago

this lmao

Based and redpilled. Can you yourself speak German btw? I want to learn Dutch and German but struggle very hard with it and can't seem to learn it. Whereas Portuguese, Latin, Greek, etc. I pick up without even meaning to do so. I'm Dutch-German.

Demoralization shill.

I wish this were true.
Take your meds.


What did I miss?

how did you get your wife on board with this?

I do nothing

Doubt me, It means nothing if you deny the reality I live. I did not achieve this lifestyle by allowing people like you to demoralize me. Anyone that is affected by your tactics doesn't belong in our ranks.

Attached: Based Rockwell.jpg (3552x5976, 3.73M)

Attached: 1645222157136.jpg (500x500, 51.04K)


Nothing, i was trying to reply to OP but accidentally deleted a digit

My wife was in an abusive home that she wanted to escape. I made myself her escape. Because I was her first love, first kiss, first everything, her commitment to me was very easy.

I suspect this is why jews want our daughters to be whores. I cannot imagine any of my past "loose" girlfriends committing themselves to me as she has.

Attached: Der Bildhauer Deutschland.jpg (4338x6000, 3.56M)

The computers get left on overnight at work so I wrote a script that causes the CPU and GPU to run at 100% capacity during the hours nobody is at the office.

Sadly I do not have the personal time to devote to learning it myself. My son is helping me learn words around the house. Milch, brot, little words like that.

Based aussi bro lol

What type of business?

>not just making it mine cryptocurrency for you

what's fucking crazy about that picture is that the first sculpture literally looks like all Jewish art
like that "art" on the ground in Paris that is just a bunch of niggers stabbing White people in the shape of the Star of David

You're literally me, just a few years in the future.
I need some tips. How do you raise girls not to burn coal? My paranoia is that if I go full Any Forumstard, she will start burning coal later when she goes through that rebel phase cause "daddy hates niggers and kikes". What is the proper way to approach this?