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technically not yet, but its inevitable

since first Duma needs to vote, and then Putin sign the law


So what happens after?

I don't get it, what are the lpr/dpr? Why is this important?

Ukraine is either baited to start full scale attack, or held back by US.

If it holds back, uprising starts in Ukrainian cities demanding to join Russia too.

Your after is getting spreaded

Aren't Ukrainians ethnically the same people as you guys? What was the point of them separating from the soviet union anyway?

Slavic Manchuria

Ivan, Boris, listen to me, if you get conscripted, pleased try to get stationed near nuclear weapons, then when no one is looking, go rogue and nuke Philly. It may be your only chance!


These are 2 provinces that have direct border with Russia. Even if Ukraine will be accepted to NATO, these 2 areas will create a significant buffer (on land) between Russia and Ukraine.

LPR/DPR = Luhansk and Donestk People's Republics; I.e. the pro-Russian breakaway regions in eastern Ukraine

If recognized as independent Putin will probably officially deploy troops to ensure their independence and perhaps seize additional Ukrainian territory

Also might spark open war between Ukraine and Russia because Ukraine does not want to give them up even though they're a lost cause, and if Ukraine continues it's war against the LPR and DPR Russia might actually full-on invade

I never thought about it that way, top analogy right there

USA needs to recognize Russia as American lands. Can't wait to kill some gopniks

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Ukrainian offensive on Dombass.

Arent Pajeets and Pakis the same people. Why dont you like just make one big country?

Racially speaking, your genes are probably more similar to that of a Russian than that of a modern day american, why exactly do you want to massacre your brothers?

No, these 2 provinces will form a buffer between Ukraine and Russia (check out the map, these are land borders). If these provinces become independent, there will be no war.

Okay, and so if Putin recognizes them, this gives them cassus belli for an invasion of Ukraine if they (Ukraine) tries to retain control militarily or if NATO/Ukraine tries to place missiles there right?

this literally changes nothing lmao

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Stupid post Stalin dictator sold Ukraine to West to ease cold war tensions.
OP is based though, I am excited for Novorussia. OTANiggers burn in hell.

I wouldn't be opposed to it.

we enter our troups

if one solders of ours get hurts or die, see Georgia

▪ DPR chief says war in Donbass now in "active phase"
▪ DPR formally requests military intervention by #Russia
▪ Russian Security Council meeting about to end
▪ Duma to vote on Donbass independence in 24hrs

You just want your land back and then some.

retarded brothers that need to be put down maybe

>Recognizes LPR and DPR as independent republics
>invades them immediately after
>"No, I didn't invade Ukraine, I invaded Donbass!"

You are literally fucking retarded. Politically this changes a lot, which changes the entire dynamic kinetically.

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