Catholic Faith is the only Real and True Religion

Catholic Faith is the only Real and True Religion
God himself establish his Church and only One Church there is no other way to heaven or afterlife beyond way of the cross.

Call me jew
Call me christcuck

But there is no other path established by God alone to be save for humanity

There is no other way you can run
insult and ridicule but your end will be same as everyone, with judgment before God.


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why do you believe this?

Pope has no hotline to God
Catholic church protects pedophile priests


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>Be catholic
>Go to mass
>fucking drums and cymbals added to organ music
>Get to actual liturgy after gospel
>Musician starts playing and singing something call "This is my love song for jesus" that sounds like some 2000 christian radio song

How the fuck do get them to go back to actual hymn and respectful music. All the Rich white people and their tweens at this church love it and we have some fresh new priest out of seminary who as weak handed as they come.

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look for latin mass parish
read catechism of church
keep our creed and tradition.

be sober and pray in the darkness

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Excuse me as I laugh in Orthodoxy.
The (child molesting) Pope is/was ONE bishop of the Church who got power hungry and selfishly broke the Church apart, starting the "Roman Catholic" church which has spent basically the last 1000 playing around in politics, fucking young boys, and filling it's ranks with homos.
Sorry. The one True Church is the same Church that has existed since the time of the Book of Acts, that would be Orthodoxy....or as I like to call it....the Church.


>Oh look, ima special boy god loves the most.
same energy as all the faggots have. Gl in life.

why does he look so mad?

Could you stop posting pagan gods as angels? No angel in the jew books have the appearance of a winged aryan.

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Fuck the Pope and fuck the WEF.

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>Catholic religion
>Ignores the teachings of Jesus Christ

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Maybe, who knows.


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>Closest FSSP
>40 miles away
>Closest SSPX
>110 miles away

Why can't there be more? Why are so many catholic churches protestantizing?

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