So how many hours would you say the average person should work in single week?

So how many hours would you say the average person should work in single week?

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3 digits minimum

32, with the option of a 5th day of OT. 5 day work weeks aren’t necessary for most people. 4 on 3 off would give me better work/life balance.

Captcha has spoken: DNTYM

WEF says 32 so yeah.

Fuck work.

As much as the boss of the company works.



As many as the market demands. Your enemy is the spic that will work for 23 hours straight

as many as they want.

about however I feel like.

Simple. How many nogs and shit skins exist, how much does it cost to sustain them, that amount divided by whites.


I would be happy with 40-45 but I'm doing 60

Post the memes from this interview please.

Why didn't he just say 10 or 20?

150. It’s a gift to be able to work and younger generations are squandering it. Don’t they realize they could have $300,000 saved by the time they retire? Don’t know who they expect to pay for all this.

How many hours a day did serfs labor for in ancient times? 12-14 hours a day but only for about 150 days a year. So that. That’s what I’m willing to work.


For a "regular" job ? Not more than 35hours.

I hate that stupid faggot Doreen so much. Literally nothing wrong with working as little as possible so long as you can pay your bills. I want to get a small, low-tax house paid off quickly and work part time at most. That's the dream to me.

50-70. Anything less will lead to criminality given the exorbiant free time.

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Times change.

>[le smug (((fox news))) kosher face]
>lawl just slave for increasingly little reward, goyim